
Hello All. I am having issues with my stealables spawners. I set the mindelay to 10 days and maxdelay to 14 days. Once the item is stolen, an item on the spawner should respawn within 10-14 days. Correct? This is frequently not happening. The NextSpawn may be only hours away or a couple of days instead of the settings of 10-14 days. I tested it again this morning and respawned all stealables on my shard then once the items were taken, I checked the spawners. There were many that had NextSpawn times like I described above. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. I am lucky I have honest thieves telling me the items are respawning quickly. Thank you in advance :). Example below - see the NextSpawn time is not between the 4-6 hours.
The MinDelay and MaxDelay controls the spawn cycle which is always running even if what you are spawning is already spawned. the way around this would be to set it up as a sequential spawner and setting the stealable item as the first in the sequence and with a required kill of one, then for the last sequence have the spawner set its own SequentialSpawn property back to 1 creating a loop. Doing it this way would insure a more desirable spawn rate as the cycle would play out for each sequence. Of course you would also have to modify your MinDelay and MaxDelay to accommodate the extra sequence.

Active Shards


Total amount