
I know I am using runUO but this might apply to ServUO aswell.

I am trying to add custom ingots into my shard though I am a newbie at coding in general. I am currently stuck in the Mining.cs script where it has these lines of codes:

res = new HarvestResource[]
new HarvestResource( 00.0, 00.0, 100.0, 1007072, typeof( IronOre ), typeof( Granite ) ),
new HarvestResource( 65.0, 25.0, 105.0, 1007073, typeof( DullCopperOre ), typeof( DullCopperGranite ), typeof( DullCopperElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 70.0, 30.0, 110.0, 1007074, typeof( ShadowIronOre ), typeof( ShadowIronGranite ), typeof( ShadowIronElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 75.0, 35.0, 115.0, 1007075, typeof( CopperOre ), typeof( CopperGranite ), typeof( CopperElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 80.0, 40.0, 120.0, 1007076, typeof( BronzeOre ), typeof( BronzeGranite ), typeof( BronzeElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 85.0, 45.0, 125.0, 1007077, typeof( GoldOre ), typeof( GoldGranite ), typeof( GoldenElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 90.0, 50.0, 130.0, 1007078, typeof( AgapiteOre ), typeof( AgapiteGranite ), typeof( AgapiteElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 95.0, 55.0, 135.0, 1007079, typeof( VeriteOre ), typeof( VeriteGranite ), typeof( VeriteElemental ) ),
new HarvestResource( 99.0, 59.0, 139.0, 1007080, typeof( ValoriteOre ), typeof( ValoriteGranite ), typeof( ValoriteElemental ) ),

I don't know what the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th column of numbers are
What are they?
oh okay thank you
[doublepost=1552018574][/doublepost]Oh the first link doesn't describe the 2nd and 3rd number column but I figured out the cliloc number so now im stuck on the other numbers
I'm not sure what the second column does, but the third one is the maximum skill for that ore, so the skill at which you have 100% chance of obtaining that ore on a swing on that seam instead of getting the message about you digging but not obtaining any ore.
The second column might be the percentage of that ore that you get out of the seam, however I believe that is defined as 0.50 in the next block of definitions which defines the chance of each ore type.

OR it may be your chance of smelting it at the minimum skill
(ctor) HarvestResource( double reqSkill, double minSkill, double maxSkill, object message, Type[] types )
double MaxSkill( get; set; )
double MinSkill( get; set; )
double ReqSkill( get; set; )
object SuccessMessage( get; )
Type[] Types( get; set; )

Generate your doc's, it will help a lot to find out what your looking for sometimes ;)

Active Shards


Total amount