
Hello, I have done several of the quest in heartwood for the recipe's for tailoring and blacksmithing Etc. However i never get the recipe's is there a way to adjust or see if they are handing them out i notice they are in there but i don't get them how would i check this.
Are you obtaining a hued backpack with an item/or items in it after you finish the quest?
Yes, I do get the hued backpack but no recipes after over 100 of the quest? maybe im missing something? I do get random items like bracelets and weapons but never get a recipe for any of the quest items. I see it says they should be there
Where can i find the % at to change it do you know by chance where it is? Is it under the heartwood quest folder? So like if i wanted it to drop recepies each time u did the quest how could i adjust that?
in baserewards.cs
if (mid == -1) // only lesser recipes in list
				return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.Random(list.Length)]);
			if (mid == 0) // only greater recipes in list
				if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
					return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.Random(list.Length)]);
				if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
					return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.RandomMinMax(mid, list.Length - 1)]);

				return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.Random(mid)]);

			return null;

		public virtual void GiveReward()
		{ }

Active Shards


Total amount