
Bittiez submitted a new resource:

Monster Auras! - Add an aura to your monsters

What is this?​

This is a bare-bones aura "framework". Adding auras to monsters such as damaging, or the included example is a dismount aura(players walking within 10 tiles will be dismounted, and continue to be dismounted while in that range).



The only file you need is Aura.cs, you can place it in your Custom scripts folder

What is EvilMageAura.cs?​

I have...

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Bittiez updated Monster and Item Auras! with a new update entry:

[+ Damaging aura] [+ Auras from items in your backpack]

Damaging aura

First I added a damage aura, I tried to think of the best way to accomplish this but if anyone has any suggestions let me know.
The way it works is
If the aura is an item on the ground, it will damage anything that can take damage in the aura radius

If the aura is on an item that the player is carrying in their backpack OR applied to a mobile directly, it will damage anyone that has aggro'd the player, or anyone the player...

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Bittiez updated Monster and Item Auras! with a new update entry:

[+ Mana Regen Aura] [- Removed accidental debug message] [+ Self Affect]

Mana Regen Aura

Added a mana regen aura:
-When used as an item on the ground it will regen mana for anyone in the radius
-When used on an item in a players backpack OR on a monster directly it will only regen mana of non-aggressive mobiles that can receive beneficial acts from the player/monster
-Included CrystalManaRegenBall.cs example file

Self Affect

Added an option...

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Bittiez updated Monster and Item Auras! with a new update entry:

[+ Life Leach Aura] [Code cleanup] [DamageCrystalBall comment typo]

Life Leach

This aura - when coming from a mobile - will deal damage to anyone in the radius while healing the player also
When just coming from an item (items in backpacks are considered to come from that mobile, items on the ground are not considered to come from a mobile), it will simply deal damage as it has no one to heal.

I have included an example in CrystalLifeLeachBall.cs


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Bittiez updated Monster and Item Auras! with a new update entry:

[+ Effect Aura] [Fixed bug if item is equiped] [Updated healing aura]

Effect Aura

This has no real purpose other than to demonstrate using a particle effect on targets, you can see the example with EffectCloak.cs

Other changes

-Fixed a bug with items equipped that have auras on the item, before they would act the same as if the item was on the ground, now they work properly.

-Added the particle effect to the healing aura, it will now play a...

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I believe you could incorporate this into ServUO's existing aura.

It's been a long time, but I believe you just need to add the IAuraCreature interface at the top of an existing creature and an override to the AuraEffect( Mobile m ) method to call your own unique code (such as a static method) for the effect. The AIs already skim for the information, targeting, application, and such. Check one of the existing aura creatures, such as a snow elemental, for more information.

I love seeing someone inventing new abilities, keep up the creative thinking!
I believe you could incorporate this into ServUO's existing aura.

It's been a long time, but I believe you just need to add the IAuraCreature interface at the top of an existing creature and an override to the AuraEffect( Mobile m ) method to call your own unique code (such as a static method) for the effect. The AIs already skim for the information, targeting, application, and such. Check one of the existing aura creatures, such as a snow elemental, for more information.

I love seeing someone inventing new abilities, keep up the creative thinking!
:O I honestly didn't even realize there were already auras for monsters

Edit: After looking into the built in one, I do feel like mine is easier to customize for shard owners,so at least it wasn't a total waste of time :p
What you did was not a waste of time. You wanted to do something, learned how to do it, did it, then shared. And that's awesome. :)
I was just trying to make things easier for you for further content.

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