
Unlimited submitted a new resource:

Monthly PVM ranking with prize. - PVM

Hello guys!
There is a PVM ranking to let your players getting fun with it.
Its a simple ranking and shows the top 10 players when a player uses the [Ranking command.
Administratos can insta-end the ranking using [EndRanking command.
Every da 1 of the month,the ranking will reset and prize all participants.
Have fun UO lovers!
Dont worry about the hardcore tag on title in the robe,they are just from my shard.

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Update,if you want to close old gump when player use the comand twice,just update this:

        public class Top10Gump : Gump
            public Top10Gump(PlayerMobile player, List<PlayerData> topPlayers) : base(0, 0)
                Closable = true;
                Disposable = true;
                Dragable = true;
                Resizable = false;

                AddBackground(50, 50, 400, 300, 9270);
                AddHtml(150, 70, 200, 20, "<basefont color=\"#DC143C\"><center>Top 10 players</center></basefont>", false, false);

                int y = 100;

                for (int i = 0; i < topPlayers.Count; i++)
                    PlayerData playerData = topPlayers[i];
                    int kills = GetCreatureKills("Data/Hardcore.xml", playerData.Name);

                    AddLabel(70, y, 34, $"{i + 1}. {playerData.Name}");
                    AddLabel(200, y, 34, $"Kills: {kills}");
                    AddLabel(300, y, 34, $"Points: {playerData.Points}");
                    y += 20;

        public static void ShowTop10Gump(PlayerMobile player, List<PlayerData> topPlayers)
            if (player != null)
                Top10Gump gump = new Top10Gump(player, topPlayers);


Work incorrect. Always random points. Kills allways 0 if i kill 10 times anyway 0
Kill 2 bosses = 2 points > kill 3 > 120 points > kill 5 = 0 points
Humm,the formula i was using is:

int points = 1;
if (hitsMaxSeed >= 100)
    points = (hitsMaxSeed / 100 * 5) / 2;
Im playing with it and it seems to work,if i kill small creatures i dont get points,if i kill creatures like a drake i start to get points,let me take a look at this.
Is working,i will take a look at the file i uploaded.

Sin título.png
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Np,its easy,but make sure you do any method to prevent players farm kills playing a friend or seocndary account.
at the end of the month if its not manually reset, endranking, everykill gets a robe and it resets at the next kill. how to reset automatically with no "endranking" reset! and doesnt show points on robe or month it was won. i like this system, its awesome.
also would be more awesome to include the tracker. that keeps track of all monsters killled with out a reset.
It is possible to below the top10 the gump show the player who use the comand and their info?
like if someone is on position 12, or only show the person who use the comand how much points he have, so he can know how many points he need to reach top10?

i already make the gump, idk how to search the player and their points

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