If it is your own server you should be able to just spawn two house deeds and place them next to each other. If it is on a player account you will have to get luck and find a place that has enough space for them. The pictures show that it is possible to put house wherever when you are an admin even on top of each other.


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You can place a house right next to another with some practice- there is also a command which you can use [area interface where basehouse
This will give you a target to target the outside of one corner on each side of the house
Once this is completed a small gump which come up with House Foundation click this open then you would use Move To Target
Which gives another target to place on either side of the house for the direction to move the house
You can place a house right next to another with some practice- there is also a command which you can use [area interface where basehouse
This will give you a target to target the outside of one corner on each side of the house
Once this is completed a small gump which come up with House Foundation click this open then you would use Move To Target
Which gives another target to place on either side of the house for the direction to move the house

Thanks, this is exactly what i was looking for.

I am able to place all houses i want but was wondering if a player place a second and decorate it, how could i move it side by side with another.

Now how do i setup accounts to be able to "place" 2 houses ?

        private static int m_AccountHouseLimit = Config.Get("Housing.AccountHouseLimit", 2);

        public static bool HasAccountHouse(Mobile m)
            Account a = m.Account as Account;

            if (a == null)
                return false;

                return true;

            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 2; i < a.Length; ++i)
                if (a[i] != null && HasHouse(a[i]))

            return count >= m_AccountHouseLimit;

But house placement tool doesn't allow a player to place more than one.

Any idea ?
You changed the default value. Don't do that. Change the value in Config/Housing.cfg

This was already done also:
# Number of houses allowed per account
# Note that only the most recently placed house will auto-refresh

Readed the RunUO forum and it was saying that. Just dont know why it doesn't work. :(
Are you trying to place the house on the same character? Any given character may only own one house. The AccountHouseLimit setting allows multiple characters on the same account to own a house.
It is possible to modify RunUO-based emulators to allow multiple houses per character. I think that's how UO: Second Age works. But I have no idea what's involved.
Found this maybe some one will know what to change to create 2 houses per character :)
**** @Hammerhand do you remember how this was done by chance? :)
Replace this function and any calls will be redirected to check for the character to have a house.(Basehouse) This is for 1 house per character

public static bool HasAccountHouse( Mobile m )
return HasHouse( m );
Account a = m.Account as Account;

if ( a == null )
return false;

for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
if ( a != null && HasHouse( a ) )
return true;

return false;*/
Last edited:
If I remember correctly I saw something about this once.
You apparently had to change the i value to the amount of houses you want - 1

But I feel this would be rather hacky

        public static bool HasHouse(Mobile m)
            if (m == null)
                return false;

            List<BaseHouse> list = null;
            m_Table.TryGetValue(m, out list);

            if (list == null)
                return false;
// Would equal 3 houses
            for (int i = 2; i < list.Count; ++i)
                BaseHouse h = list[i];

                if (!h.Deleted)
                    return true;

            return false;
I was able to get this information from Hammerhand, so test it out let us know how it worked :)

RunUO 2.3
List<BaseHouse> allHouses = new List<BaseHouse>();

for ( int i = 0; i < acct.Length; ++i ) << line 158
change the 0 to 1 for 2 houses, 2 for 3, etc.
Same for ServUO, should be line 158
I did that too and it let only 1 house per character, but max 2 per account if you change it to 2. But it's fine since a player can have more than 1 character :)
If you still want to do it you just have to change the number I wrote in my post.
I did and its still not allowing more than 1 house on the same character. Or maybe it does but it doesn't allow a "player" with the house placement tool to place a second one.
I did test it with a complete Player account though and I ould place 3 as I put it down in that method
I finally had the chance to test this and Pyro's change to the code which he shows does work- in Visual Express it shows this as line 3490
so it's pretty far down in the basehouse script.
for(int i =2; i < list.Count;++i) <<<< I changed this to 1 and it allowed 2 houses for the char and no more so it seem's to work

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