This is only meant as a temporary solution!
Currently some of the developers are missing in action and I do not have access to the ServUO repo for the purposes of pull requests or releases. However, I do not want the momentum of the project to die out while we wait for the leaders to return. So, I'm going to start updating my repo with bug fixes and such with the intention of rolling the changes into the main ServUO repo when a repo admin returns.
Therefore, I ask that anyone who has a bug fix or pull request designed for ServUO to send a pull request to my repo @ and I will get them rolled in. This includes the current pull requests from Hank, CeJayce, and Goober.
I hope everyone will recognize this as an attempt to keep us moving and not some type of power takeover or something silly like that. If someone else would rather use their repo for this, I would be glad to use theirs instead. We just need a central repo for fixes until someone with admin on the main repo returns.
In addition, I plan to open a server that uses ServUO with no changes made to it and that gives anyone GM abilities so that we can test and find bugs. The plan is that the server will not save and will give any new accounts GM Accesslevel. This could be abused, but with no saves, I think it will be ok. I'm open to opinions on this and how it can best serve the community.
Currently some of the developers are missing in action and I do not have access to the ServUO repo for the purposes of pull requests or releases. However, I do not want the momentum of the project to die out while we wait for the leaders to return. So, I'm going to start updating my repo with bug fixes and such with the intention of rolling the changes into the main ServUO repo when a repo admin returns.
Therefore, I ask that anyone who has a bug fix or pull request designed for ServUO to send a pull request to my repo @ and I will get them rolled in. This includes the current pull requests from Hank, CeJayce, and Goober.
I hope everyone will recognize this as an attempt to keep us moving and not some type of power takeover or something silly like that. If someone else would rather use their repo for this, I would be glad to use theirs instead. We just need a central repo for fixes until someone with admin on the main repo returns.
In addition, I plan to open a server that uses ServUO with no changes made to it and that gives anyone GM abilities so that we can test and find bugs. The plan is that the server will not save and will give any new accounts GM Accesslevel. This could be abused, but with no saves, I think it will be ok. I'm open to opinions on this and how it can best serve the community.