

I wondered if anyone has recently moved (Server Core) from Runuo to Servuo?

Is it simple, possible? I would not wish to lose my saves etc

Any feedback ois most welcome.

I looked into it, and it wasn't worth the work involved for me to do it. There are namespace changes, variable name changes, and other core mods that change the order of how data is saved between the two. If I were you, I'd stick with RunUO as Mark is still updating over at Github: https://github.com/runuo/runuo

That being said, consider moving to ServUO completely if you don't mind losing your saves. Mark is doing a great job but I prefer some things from ServUO from a scripting standpoint - automatic project creation from ServUO is awesome as well as easily making core changes and recompiling the core with the batch files included.
Hi and thanks for the reply.

The Server is over 18 months old and I could not lose the saves. Bugger. Shard runs well (Touches wood) but I do like ServUo and how you guys interact as a community.
Making a copy of the server from a place to another should not be too hard, if you hax a bit: aka dumping every items in a txt file (yes i just said that xD), then loading everything in the new server, aswell as accounts, etc.
That's an option if you really really want to use servuo and your old saves.
I was in the same boat, and @ViWinfii is correct. After I had spent a good week merging all of my years and years of mod's from RunUO server to a fresh ServUO package, I was then ready to start diving into what it would take to keep my save files as well. I had my shard running for years.. not really in a public live setting so much, but the family had been playing and I been developing all the while.. I realized that not only were there some script side Serialization differences.. the Core serialization methods were all changed or reordered. I mean, so different that after scratching my head on where to begin.. a couple days later, I realized that it was jut not worth it.

I ended up just dumping my original world saves a starting from scratch. That in itself is a ton of work I have to go through, but nothing compared to all the manipulating and crap that it would have taken to get the saves files to load. And the idea that after I spend all the time to save the saves files, there is no guarantee that there wouldnt be some other problem to come up later..

So no.. there is no easy way to migrate a RunUO saved world into ServUO. Not without rearranging just about ALL base scripts, both Core and Server side. And I do mean almost ALL, if not all.
Hi and thanks for the feedback everyone.

I am happy with Runuo but Servuo seems more developed.

Oh well. Maybe I will start a new shard here in Vietnam, I lived in Australia (Where my idoc shard is) but i am working here for 2 years, I wonder if anyone plays UO in Vietnam?

I wanted to do the same as you Zolo, although my shard only had a handful of players, I'd hate to remove everything and start from scratch
It's such a shame there's no way to upgrade to a later version of RunUO, even if it is a fork.
If you only have a handful of players it would be pretty easy to record their skills and items, providing you have staff to help :) A bank check could be given for their house value, you would be surprised how many would go for this to have the server become updated with more content :)
But also another thought, the word is Mark will continue to update Runuo for those who can't start over, there just won't be ton's of support other then the runuo community.
Hello there, i am aiming for a new project, would it be wise to stay with runuo, or should i take servuo?
I am actually doing this convert right now. So far its going fairly well. However there are a few things I cannot get to work. I have tried a couple times to moves saves and accounts over. When I moved the accounts over and the saves. All the accounts were there but when you go to login they are empty and you have to start a new toon. So not sure how to fix that yet.

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