
Hello Everybody, first of all sorry if this is the wrong section to open this kind of thread. Anyways..
i'm trying to add some new Monster animations but i dind't knew how to do it so i've found this guide

It helped me a lot with some stuffs i gave the paths for all files but now i'm stucked in some points of the Guide.

Point n4 under How to:

4) I am going to pick spot 354 to use.
a. So, in the [Anim] tab, that’s L:0x162 (354)

The problem is that on Mulpatcher i cannot see the "(354)" , i just see the Red Empty slot "L:0x162"

Point n5 & n6 under How to:

5) Next, go to [Anim4]. If you have a ‘H’ animation, you can add it starting at H:0xE(14) or if you have a ‘L’ you can start at L:0xCD(205). Honestly, you probably can add it in any red spot, as long as you check the .PDF file to make sure its not being used by anything in anim4.mul.
6) I am going to pick H:0xF (15) for my open spot in Anim4. Rich click it > Load Anim From File > Find your .vd file & open it.

The problem here is that again using Mulpatcher i can't see the BodyValue and the strange thing is that i cannot do "Rich click it > Load Anim From File > Find your .vd file & open it" on Anim4 tab
because mul patcher just let me Add new Animations from file only on [Anim] tab, and on Anim2, Anim3,Anim4,Anim5 Tab when i double click on the red spot it will show only "Save to file " or "Save to Directory" .
One more clue is that if i open Uofiddler the BodyValue on H spots are showed only on Anim.mul , on Anim2.mul , Anim3.mul , Anim4.mul , Anim5.mul all " BodyValues " on red spots are signed as (-1).

Someone can Help me ? I'm doing something wrong? my files are corrupted?

Thanks for Reading :)
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You might be better using UO Fiddler. You can find it here, or on Githhub if you do a quick search

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