
Voxpire submitted a new resource:

Multiverse SDK - Server/Client Portal SDK

If you've ever wanted to try your hand at developing a Server/Client application from scratch, the Multiverse SDK can help!

This software was originally written for the Ultima-Shards project and is the foundation for the Gateway that allows us to list multiple shards in the server-list and have them all selectable.

This software can be referenced by any .NET 4.0+ application and exposes features to allow you to maintain and develop a server and client using an in-house packet protocol...

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Voxpire updated Multiverse SDK with a new update entry:

Version 1.1

+ Version 1.1

+ Extended PortalPacket headers to 8 bytes;
* PacketID[UInt16] ServerID[UInt16] Length[Int32]

+ PortalPacket and PortalPacketHandler lengths no longer need to be defined.
+ PortalPacket.MaxSize increased to 2MB.
+ Improved error handling.
+ Removed the need to use SocketFlags.Peek when receiving packet headers.
+ Fixed an issue where PortalAuthentication.Key would return null.

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Hey Voxpire thank you for that awesome release. I would like to see a working sample, maybe 2 servuo repos listed together with a code sample. I know the code is mostly self explaining, but i have in mind, that there are users who might not understand how to use this.
It's not just for linking shards, there is no simple sample I could provide for that as the communication between two shards requires double the amount of code in the Multiverse.dll itself. You have to handle syncing accounts and requesting client authid's, etc.

This release is intended for developers who are ready to delve in to network programming.

I may at some point attempt to gather the code needed to link shards together in to a separate release, but for now I'm backlogged and currently moving house.
It's not just for linking shards, there is no simple sample I could provide for that as the communication between two shards requires double the amount of code in the Multiverse.dll itself. You have to handle syncing accounts and requesting client authid's, etc.

This release is intended for developers who are ready to delve in to network programming.

I may at some point attempt to gather the code needed to link shards together in to a separate release, but for now I'm backlogged and currently moving house.
I understand and thanks for your efforts, this code is very interesting!
Voxpire updated Multiverse SDK with a new update entry:

Version 1.2

+ Version 1.2

- Removed getResponse argument from transport Send* methods.
+ Added GetResponse abstract property to PortalPacket, which replaces the removed getResponse argument logic.
* PortalPacket GetResponse, when true, will cause the PortalClient to immediately begin receiving data after the packet has been sent.

+ Version 1.1.2

+ Fix issue with logging multiple errors.
+ Dispose a PortalClient which encounters a fatal exception when receiving data.
+ Allow PortalPacket.MaxSize to...

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Great work, Voxpire.
This scripts could use and help someone who have basic knowledge on server.
However some of us have tried to understand this scripts without network/server knowledge.
I would like to have more information how to install this.

Mutiverse.dll is located in 2 Servuo folders and add this file name in Data/Assemblies.cfg.
Before do this, I should set scripts up I believe.
Please show simple steps. like 1), 2), 3)....
Thanks for your nice works.

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