using Server;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Commands;
using Server.Misc;
using Scripts.Mythik.Mobiles;
using Scripts.Mythik.Systems.Achievements.Gumps;
namespace Scripts.Mythik.Systems.Achievements
//page limit?
/*thought of eating a lemon (and other foods), consume pots,
* craft a home,
* own home (more for larger homes),
* loot x amount of gold,
* find a uni,
* kill each mob in the game,
* enter an event,
* tame all tamables,
* use a max powerscroll (or skill stone),
* ride each type of mount
public class AchievmentSystem
public class AchievementCategory
public int ID { get; set; }
public int Parent { get; set; }
public string Name;
public AchievementCategory(int id, int parent, string v3)
ID = id;
Parent = parent;
Name = v3;
public static List<BaseAchievement> Achievements = new List<BaseAchievement>();
public static List<AchievementCategory> Categories = new List<AchievementCategory>();
public static void Initialize()
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(1, 0, "Exploration"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(2, 1, "Towns"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(3, 1, "Dungeons"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(4, 1, "Points of Interest"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(1000, 0, "Crafting"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(2000, 0, "Resource Gathering"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(3000, 0, "Hunting"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(4000, 0, "Character Development"));
Categories.Add(new AchievementCategory(5000, 0, "Other"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(0, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Cove!", "Discover the Cove Township", 5, "Cove"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(1, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Britain!", "Discover the City Britain", 5, "Britain"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(2, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Minoc!", "Discover the Minoc Township", 5, "Minoc"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(3, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Ocllo!", "Discover the Ocllo Township", 5, "Ocllo"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(4, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Trinsic!", "Discover the City of Trinsic", 5, "Trinsic"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(5, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Vesper!", "Discover the City of Vesper", 5, "Vesper"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(6, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Yew!", "Discover the Yew Township", 5, "Yew"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(7, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Wind!", "Discover the City of Wind", 5, "Wind"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(8, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Serpent's Hold!", "Discover the City of Serpent's Hold", 5, "Serpent's Hold"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(9, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Skara Brae!", "Discover the Island of Skara Brae", 5, "Skara Brae"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(10, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Nujel'm!", "Discover the Island of Nujel'm", 5, "Nujel'm"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(11, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Moonglow!", "Discover the City of Moonglow", 5, "Moonglow"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(12, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Magincia!", "Discover the City of Magincia", 5, "Magincia"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(13, 2, 0x14EB, false, null, "Buccaneer's Den!", "Discover the Secrets of Buccaneer's Den", 5, "Buccaneer's Den"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(25, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Covetous!", "Discover the dungeon of Covetous", 5, "Covetous"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(26, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Deceit!", "Discover the dungeon of Deceit", 5, "Deceit"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(27, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Despise!", "Discover the dungeon of Despise", 5, "Despise"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(28, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Destard!", "Discover the dungeon of Destard", 5, "Destard"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(29, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Hythloth!", "Discover the dungeon of Hythloth", 5, "Hythloth"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(30, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Wrong!", "Discover the dungeon of Wrong", 5, "Wrong"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(31, 3, 0x14EB, false, null, "Shame!", "Discover the dungeon of Shame", 5, "Shame"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(100, 4, 0x14EB, false, null, "Cotton!", "Discover A Cotton Field in Moonglow", 5, "A Cotton Field in Moonglow"));
Achievements.Add(new DiscoveryAchievement(101, 4, 0x14EB, false, null, "Carrots!", "Discover A Carrot Field in Skara Brae", 5, "A Carrot Field in Skara Brae"));
//these two show examples of adding a reward or multiple rewards
var achieve = new HarvestAchievement(500, 2000, 0x0E85, false, null, 500, "500 Iron Ore", "Mine 500 Iron Ore", 5, typeof(IronOre), typeof(AncientSmithyHammer));
Achievements.Add(new HarvestAchievement(501, 2000, 0x0E85, false, achieve, 5000, "5000 Iron Ore", "Mine 5000 Iron Ore", 5, typeof(IronOre), typeof(AncientSmithyHammer),typeof(TinkerTools),typeof(HatOfTheMagi)));
Achievements.Add(new HunterAchievement(1000, 3000, 0x25D1, false, null, 5, "Dog Slayer", "Slay 5 Dogs", 5, typeof(Dog)));
Achievements.Add(new HunterAchievement(1001, 3000, 0x25D1, false, null, 50, "Dragon Slayer", "Slay 50 Dragon", 5, typeof(Dragon)));
CommandSystem.Register("feats", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler(OpenGumpCommand));
public static void OpenGump(Mobile from, Mobile target)
if (from == null || target == null)
if (target as PlayerMobile != null)
var player = target as PlayerMobile;
if (!AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().Achievements.ContainsKey(player.Serial))
AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().Achievements.Add(player.Serial, new Dictionary<int, AchieveData>());
var achieves = AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().Achievements[player.Serial];
var total = AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().GetPlayerPointsTotal(player);
var achieves = (target as MythikPlayerMobile).Achievements;
var total = (target as MythikPlayerMobile).AchievementPointsTotal;
from.SendGump(new AchievementGump(achieves, total));
[Usage("feats"), Aliases("ach", "achievement", "achs", "achievements")]
[Description("Opens the Achievements gump")]
private static void OpenGumpCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
OpenGump(e.Mobile, e.Mobile);
internal static void SetAchievementStatus(PlayerMobile player, BaseAchievement ach, int progress)
if (!AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().Achievements.ContainsKey(player.Serial))
AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().Achievements.Add(player.Serial, new Dictionary<int, AchieveData>());
var achieves = AchievementSystemMemoryStone.GetInstance().Achievements[player.Serial];
var achieves = (player as MythikPlayerMobile).Achievements;
if (achieves.ContainsKey(ach.ID))
if (achieves[ach.ID].Progress >= ach.CompletionTotal)
achieves[ach.ID].Progress += progress;
achieves.Add(ach.ID, new AchieveData() { Progress = progress });
if (achieves[ach.ID].Progress >= ach.CompletionTotal)
player.SendGump(new AchievementObtainedGump(ach),false);
achieves[ach.ID].CompletedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
(player as MythikPlayerMobile).AchievementPointsTotal += ach.RewardPoints;
if (ach.RewardItems != null && ach.RewardItems.Length > 0)
player.SendAsciiMessage("You have recieved an award for completing this achievment!");
var item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(ach.RewardItems[0]);
if (!WeightOverloading.IsOverloaded(player))
catch { }