I need to set up an override for containers that checks if it has reached its item limit and if so any item dropped into it would be dropped to the ground. I was recently made aware of some kinda bug that allows you to over flow containers. for some reason im not sure why but in my server the item limit of 255 doesnt register and youre allowed to add as many items as you want. This becomes a problem around 2000+ items. So technically my server can be crashed or destroyed unless i create a code that checks this each time an item is added.

I hope it can be added to the scripts/items/containers/container.cs

I would much appreciate any pointers again or hints as I kinda love to figure it out.
So i tested this on my admin character lol... There is actually code in container.cs that allows admins to go over the max items infinitely i think... I think thats what it said so im testing on a regular character...

The bug was a troll please delete this thread thanks

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