
is there fix to pandoras box to were when you clikc teh item it shows a pic of the item instead of have to clikc and add it to the game to see what it looks like.
In Pandora's Box main window, click on the Deco tab, then you can expand each category by clicking on the +
After you do that, any item you select in the list will give you a sublist in the middle of the window. When you click on any of those items, you will see the image in the small box on the right hand side of the main window.
i clikced on iron fence and clikc ironfecne on sublist and i dont see anything im running pandora in admin mode
The image is a screenshot of Pandora's Box:
Light-Blue: Deco Tab (list of most of the items you can add in-game)
Yellow: Category selection (Most items are broken into one category or another, but some fall into a Misc category).
Pink: Subcategory inside the main category (usually you will find subcategory items that are common together in the same category).
Blue: Item selection from the subcategory (some animated tiles will also show each animated piece as its own item).
Red: Image of the item from Item Selection (once you click on an Item Selection, you will see the image appear here).
Light-Green: The ItemID of the item you selected.PB1.jpg
still not showing anything dose anyone now about the addon genrater for poandoras box? im freidn si allso runnign at max patch
Do you have UOfiddler?
Use it to extract mul file from your uop's into your client directory and it will prob work
whats uop?
UOP is the file extension that the former MUL files have been changed to. (Map1.mul is Map1.uop for example)

Pandora's Box can't read UOP files. So you will have to use UOFiddler's UOP converting tool to go from UOP to MUL (and back). Once the UOP files are MUL files, Pandora's Box can read them.
ok i would appraciate it if someone could help me on how to convtert files from fiddler to pandoraia plz

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