aww that's so cute. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have been working on a house pet system for a while now and these would fit perfectly into it.
Nice!! I really wish UO Fiddler would update so the newest clients can view this stuff :)
Ah yes.. All lying in beds with animated tail wagging. All with reversed directions.

1 GreyCat partial hue for multi colors.
1 Black Cat
1 Calico Cat
1 Grey bulldog partial hue for multi colors.
1 Black & Tan
1 Basset Hound

Also there is a new hanging swords graphic at
Name: Broadsword Crossed S
Graphic: 0x63D4 (25556)
Height/Capacity: 3
Weight: 1
Animation: 0
Quality/Layer/Light: 0
Quantity: 0
Hue: 0
StackingOffset/Unk4: 0
Flags: None
I convert the uop to mul via Legacy MUL Converter
Isn't there a thread somewhere on the forums here about that? If not someone should really make one!

Someone should also make a new art package every art update so i can add the art into my older art mul. :d would save me a bunch of time. :rolleyes:
Isn't there a thread somewhere on the forums here about that? If not someone should really make one!

Someone should also make a new art package every art update so i can add the art into my older art mul. :d would save me a bunch of time. :rolleyes:

cd C:\LegacyConverter
to convert to muls
LegacyMULCL.exe -x "C:\folder where uop(s) are"
to convert back to uop
LegacyMULCL.exe "C:\folder where mul(s) are"

Edit- all via cmd
Right.. I'm going to show people how to install it. Convert the files, and compare new art to old art files to find newest material. Ect...
Here they are in their entirety New Graphics.gif
On second glance I think one of those is a tiger cub.
Perhaps animations are coming with these?
Great idea otimpyre with the animation :) So I'm guessing to change things over from UOP files to MUL then you used a copy of your client folder because I wouldn't think anyone would want to create this with their client which the server uses? Great information here by the way!
Yeah after you convert uop - mul can extract them. Then Import them to your .mul Still have to do the tiledata and the radarcol. ect.... And script them. But, yeah you can technically use them. To achieve that animation I had to duplicate the first frame on the end of the animation and increase the time to make it cat like.
I actually just update the client as usual. Extract the Legacyart.uop to a folder called new art. Then I convert it there and load it into fiddler from there. You can use fiddler to browse files in a directory all by themselves well with any other companion file they need such as art.mul needs art.idx & Tiledata.mul. You don't have to load an entire directory.
Soon as it quiets down around my house I will make a video of the whole process of getting the new art.

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