
Balao at all,
I've added a new hooded gump, works greatly but in the paperdoll and in game I can see the rear hair of the character.
Someone know how to fix it, please?
Thank you :)
This has always been a problem with a hooded robe, removing hair use to be the only way to work correct :) but maybe some one will step up and have a fix for this.
You mean the hairs are over the hood or the places where the hood is ending we see the hairs on border on the top of the head?
if so just do like the current uo gumps and add a black spot around the hood to make it "invisible",
or simply do like milva suggested and remove the hairs temporary and put them back on when needed.

just be careful not to end with a ton of mad shaved people on the server :p
did you take a look at the gump of the death shroud to compare if you missed a check box somewhere?
or what is the layer of your hair? Layer.Hairs?
Have you tried different layers for the robe? (ingame) to ex: Talisman, TwoHanded, or whatever.

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