In UOFiddler me is the lighthouse from here
Lighthouse Stone Fra 0x4724 (18212) to
Lighthouse Stone Fra 0x472D (18221)
and again to Lighthouse Ancient Stone ---> 0x473B (18235) displayed here.
There are two lighthouses.
the old lighthouse can be admired in the lost lands.
the new one has a function and must be shot broke, because if you want. ;)
Thank You!! I'm not finding the number for the bottom left of the light house for some reason, went threw above these numbers and also the lower numbers.
Here is a screen to show, thanks again!
The one on the right has a rotating light very nice.
In UOFiddler me is the lighthouse from here
Lighthouse Stone Fra 0x4724 (18212) to
Lighthouse Stone Fra 0x472D (18221)
and again to Lighthouse Ancient Stone ---> 0x473B (18235) displayed here.
There are two lighthouses.
the old lighthouse can be admired in the lost lands.
the new one has a function and must be shot broke, because if you want. ;)

What made me wonder when checking for this on EA, that the left side is a static Object Type while the others seems to be an asset to the animation.. EA getting worse..
So strange! The first picture I post koluch posted that on runuo in the past. sent her a pm on runuo just to find out if she would know the id number. Unless this lighthouse in the photo bottom section is static there. But any static item should still give an id number.
xXHopexX thank you again for your help :)
I found the bottom left piece :) Id number is 18223 and 18224 is a small piece of the bottom left.
The right side is 18212-this has the moving light.
I found the bottom left piece :) Id number is 18223 and 18224 is a small piece of the bottom left.
The right side is 18212-this has the moving light.

I saw this on EA when testing Blackthorns Castle. I´m even not sure if it were attackable because it were marked as grey. I copied the meta data anywhere and forgot to build it. Thanks for bringing this Topic up again ;-)
Diese Leuchttürme haben was mit den Städteinvasionen zu tun. Du findest die 9 Stadtausschnitte beim neuen Lord Blackthorne's Castle Dungeon.
Wenn du den Leuchtturm hier zum Beispiel in Britain
zerstörst, dann wirst du in den oben genannten Dungeonbereich ins Castle geportet um dann den Endgegner zu bekämpfen.

These lighthouses have something to do with the cities invasions. You can find the city 9 outs on the new Lord Blackthorne's Castle Dungeon.
If you are the lighthouse here, for example, in Britain
destroy, then you are going ported into the dungeon area above the Castle and then to fight the final boss.
Your welcome Crome969 and thanks again xXHopeXx for this information about the lighthouse :) So now any one who would like the lighthouse all the ID numbers have been listed.
I just started work on my city again since I can use UltimaLive and save myself a headache! I might see about adding this in somewhere.. or perhaps moving my city out of it's location in green acres and expanding! The possibilities are endless now!
I have much more than just that town lol, but it was all frozen to some really old map statics. Now I can load them and work on them without even needing to shut down my client to update them :D

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