
Hey all,

I'm a new member, obviously.

I started playing UO long ago and left long ago. I want to go back but I'm a different player and it's a different game. Running my own shard for my friend and I is more appropriate for me for now, I think. We'll see.

I hope to help out and contribute some bug fixes, or at least try to narrow down where some issues are in the code. I'm an awful coder, but I think I'm an okay debugger.

I've been using ServUO for about 2 weeks now and I already appreciate what you've built here, and I hope I can help you guys make it even better.

I have a Windows PC and an Ubuntu server, so I'll be testing the code on both.

My ServUO goal: I hope to run a ServUO server on my server for myself and any of my old friends who want to join, but I'll have fun even if I'm the only one.
Welcome friend! We look forward to any bugs you may find! Perfecting this project is a top priority.

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