
so i use to host a ML server way back when. on runuo.. and i seem to be having issues i never ran into.. i can get the server up and running.. but i have no access to my admin/owner commands.. i also. seem to get random crashes from the littlest things.. i am trying to just have SA but i cant stop the client patching... so i end up with a full uptodate client from osi. i seem to be crashing when doing [helpinfo and trying to open the titles menue. i dont know if there is more i kinda decided to ask rather then digg since its been so long im back to not knowing anything.

Thank you for all the replies and advice in advance :)
Is your server and client using the same files?
Preferably you should have a Server and Client game files folders, both being identical copies, to avoid potential file locks.
Are you connecting to the server with the right files?
Is your DataPath correctly setup in the Config folder?
Are you using the enhanced client?
okay so i downloaded the latest servuo server files. i edited the paths to my classic client witch is on 7.0.68 i believe.. i dont know how to get one to just SA/HS my paths are set up correctly i am now on the server but none of the map/facet editors are working.. saying it cant find the .mul(s) but i dnt have .muls i have mul.uop

i just wanna make a fun vanilla like server with a custom city like i had way back before SA came out... now my brain doesnt know what to do anymore.
i did set the expansion to HS. but its giving me stuff from the new osi patch.. (Mastery primers) anyway im trying to make my own city rather then luna or britannia being the hub but i cant seem to get centred+ Pandora's box to work..

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