
I am having weird issues that have never been seen or heard of before running ServUO 57.1.

Does anyone have the time to write out easy to understand steps for starting a server for new people? something that has info on start to finish, also with how to be an owner/admin within it, the tools you would want that new person to be using and how to get them working.

I went to the discord hoping there was something supporting new faces to ServUO, couldn't find it.

I looked into the internet cache to see if there was a saved version of the ServUO Wiki before it was deleted, couldn't find it.
Reading these forums everyday i find posts dating back years that ask similar question and some repeat questions that never get answered, a few do have replies but the replies are outdated and whatever they linked in the reply is broken, sometimes the replies are people explain the other reply, im not sure if people dont know the answer or that what ServUO used to be is much different to what it is today, the things people had access to back in the day are different, there are cobwebs on some of the resources.
The tools are different, what everyone used to have access to no longer works and the links to some of them are dead, clients upgrade but the tools didn't.

Everyday i read a bit more of the forum and i get the feels like im an archaeologist in the ruins of an ancient community, i had to download an old client to get Pandora to work without crashing because of a client version mismatch, i see the wiki deleted but resources that no longer work are still there with post after post of new people asking how to use them or the chinese gambling websites some of those links now redirect you to.

I'm sorry, im a nobody, if this reads like im having a dig from a frustrated depressed loser, im struggling, im learning beginner Csharp and feel like this is not meant for new people outside of people already knowing what to do, i really wish that current & future generations don't need to repeat what im going through right now.

Hey Glenndale,

Man I feel your pain. I'm competent enough to get a server up and running, the process has been pretty similar since 2001 when I first booted up a server. I do have some knowledge of the coding aspect but I feel like the more I learn the more I don't know LOL.

There are a bunch of folks on here that are pretty amazing and are willing to help @Juzzver @Dan(Tasanar) @GoldDraco13 to name a few, but they aren't on all the time, they have, dare I say, real lives LOL.

I have been running into what you are, lack of documentation or outdated documentation... you found a WIKI? I would love to see THAT.

If you need help just getting up and running with the latest publish of Servuo, hit me up on Disco or PM me here I will help if I can.

Like most of us, it's a learn as you go process and sometimes we just need a little nudge or... heh... in my case, someone to grab you by the nose and shove your face in the answer...

Deep breath my friend, once you see the solutions it becomes easier the next time.
Download the server.
Extract it to somewhere that windows isn't going to mess with things at such as C:\
personally I use C:\Games\ServUO

Pick whatever client your planning to use and install it. (also fine if it's already installed)

I prefer to copy the installed client files into the server folder and rename it from "Ultima Online Classic" to "muls", you can copy it to wherever you prefer but playing on the files the server is running on doesn't work very well.

Then look in the Config folder in the folder you extracted ServUO to and find DataPath.cfg open it up and add a new line at the bottom with the path to your muls folder per the instructions in the file.
so for me I put:

At this point the server is setup you don't really have to do anything else. You can also go through the other .cfg files in the Config folder to customize the server a bit but you don't have to do that.

If your using Windows, in the ServUO folder will be a file called Compile.WIN - Release.bat
Click on it it will pop up a console window with the message "press any key to continue" so... press a key and it will compile the server to be ready to run. Once it's finished it will have another message "press any key to continue" so... press a key and it will launch the server for the first time.

On the initial launch it will ask you to setup an owner username/password.
Then you can launch the client and log in using the Owner username/password

After logging in the first time use the command
checkmark all the boxes and hit ok it will setup the world for you.

To run the server in the future you will want to click on ServUO.exe
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Might I add, Once you get that done and want to experience your world as a player would, log out, then log back but this time, make a new account, this will be your player account! One thing that messes with some people is they forget as the admin, your in God Mode, so nothing will react to you! There are orbs and such to use for staff and such, but IMHO, best to have both!

And most of all, have fun!
Also... If you decide to add things to your server be sure to back it up before adding so you don't lose your server over it in case something goes wrong. Make a folder inside Scripts name it Customs to put the new script in. After putting them in you will need to re-compile ServUO using the Compile.WIN - Release.bat again.

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