I am still trying to get a great script system @Milva made back in the day working with the new distro. It's some skill mounts that give you an increase in skills when ever you ride them. I got most of the bugs worked out I think but I am having this one error with all the mounts. It obviously has something to do with the ethereal aspect but I am unsure what the issue is. Seems ServUO now handles that differently. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance! Here is the error.
Here is the script itself.
+ Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountCuShide.cs:
CS7036: Line 11: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'nonTransMountedID' of 'EtherealMount.EtherealMount(int, int, int, int, int)'
Here is the script itself.
// Created by Crow
using System;
using Server.Mobiles;
namespace Server.Items
public class SkillMountCuShide : EtherealMount
public SkillMountCuShide() : base( 11670, 0x3E91 )
Name = "Ethereal Skill CuShide";
ItemID = 11670;
public override void OnAdded( Object parent )
base.OnAdded( parent );
if( parent is Mobile )
Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;
from.Skills.Swords.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Fencing.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Magery.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Archery.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Macing.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Wrestling.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Anatomy.Base += 10;
from.Skills.Meditation.Base += 10;
from.Skills.EvalInt.Base += 10;
public override void OnRemoved( Object parent )
base.OnRemoved( parent );
if( parent is Mobile )
Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;
from.Skills.Swords.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Fencing.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Magery.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Archery.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Macing.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Wrestling.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Anatomy.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.Meditation.Base -= 10;
from.Skills.EvalInt.Base -= 10;
public SkillMountCuShide( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
base.Serialize( writer );
writer.Write( (int) 0 );
public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
base.Deserialize( reader );
int version = reader.ReadInt();
if ( Name != "Ethereal CuShide Statuette" )
Name = "Ethereal CuShide Statuette";