Oh man.. well, I can't say much.. In the some 12+ years of this stuff, I can promise you that I have done that same kinda thing, many, many times.

Oh well, the good part is, you will really cruzzze through the project now, huh? :D

Seriously though, break them down as far as you can. By region and dungeon. Because down the road when you want to edit a spawn in an area, you wont have to load the whole world (with spawn editor), you can just edit that one area, re-import the spawners and it only effects that one area.. not the whole map. I strongly recommend to anyone thats getting into spawning to try this method. There is no better way.

Then fine tune them in game here and there, where needed :)
@Ravenwolfe it's okay

@Dian yeah, should be a piece of cake now. lol

So, just to be clear, I can use [xmlload in game and then load the file and [xmledit to separate and export the individual areas.

and Spawn Editor does basically the same thing but outside of the game client?
Yeah thats pretty well it. I actually wasnt aware you could do the load/save commands through the [xmledit actually, so thats good to know.

Spawn Editor works perfectly as it is right now. The only draw back is you have to save the work to a file, upload/transfer that file to your servers Spawns folder, and then load the file in game by command. Just a couple extra steps.. If the Trans Server was working, you could link Spawn Editor to the game client, and with a push of a button, dump or load your spawns from the Spawn Editor directly into the game in real time. You can also open the Spawn Editor, link it up and pull all spawners from the game client directly into the editor to work on. But, problem with that is, if you have thousands of spawners.. you know.. it can get messy. That is, if Trans Server worked..

Thats why its so important to have your spawn areas broken down into individual files/areas.
Am I really the only one that has downloaded those spawns?? wow..

Well, Thanks again Zero.. coincidentally, I had some issue with my Tram map spawns, bogging down my server terribly.. Im going to load yours up and see what its like. And trust me, I am pretty picky about spawns. As much as I hate talking down anyone's hard work and efforts.. I honestly didnt like anything about nerun's spawns. Just WAY too busy for any realistic game play.
hey guys, newb question here, but when i spawn the world with this script, say people kill stuff/tame things whatever they do, will the world automatically respawn for instance a dragon that was tamed or killed? or do i need to run the script again?
sorry still a bit newbish, how should i set it to a spawner also is there a way to spawn the doors for things like buildings and banks and what not?
I believe I understand the spawner now, I can see the spawner on the ground with amount to make etc.
Zero, is it possible to add the bouras in your Ter Mur region? I wasn't able to find them.
Thanks in advance!
Just curious, is this better than the default spawns that come with ServUO? Is it more accurate, or contain more spawned locations? Does this also include all the decorations? Sorry just started getting into ServUO and don't want to double up on anything accidently. :)
Thanks for the info. Yea it looks like it is much better. I will be using this. I just didn't want to accidentally end up with everything double spawned thats why I asked. :)
Yeah, I got rid of all other spawners; spawner, aspawner,megaspawner,etc and replaced them with XmlSpawners. And quests I don't script anymore. I just do quests on a spawner and save the QuestDialogue to the server. [xmlfind lets you search your spawners with many search parameters, and you can make changes to them all at once, or only to a select few. Soooo much easier than dealing with regular spawners!
Beautiful, I will use this system. The more I learn about XML Spawners the more I am impressed. I have one issue though, I deleted all the default spawners and installed these. Then I do [createworld (which decorates AND spawns quest givers) then when I load the spawners it respawns the quest givers again. So I end up with duplicate quest givers. Everything else seems to work perfect. Anyway to prevent [createworld from spawning these or do I have to go around and remove all the duplicates individually?
you could remove the file that the command opens. Its not a lot of spawns to delete either if you know where to look. After you get it straightened out you can export all the xml spawners to an xml file to create your own spawn solution. Keep in mind these spawns are still not completely accurate with Broadsword shards. Peerless dungeons, wind, New Dungeon Revamp System, Mondains Legacy areas and Dungeons, and some overland spawns to name some. The Taverns spawn all the mobiles in a tight area not very immersive. This spawn is a good foundation, to get you in the ball park, most of the outdoor spawn are accurate to the spawn map utility and haven't changed much. FYI the mountain goat doesn't spawn at all and I don't believe there are enough small snakes (remember when a mild dose of poison was problematic when you were a newbie). Old OSI spawns from shard to shard differed a little, so you can only be completely accurate to a shard you use to play on; from your player bases' perspective.
Other considerations when spawning is how to drive players to areas of the map. On the Pacific Shard there was never any horses in Moonglow, but this spawns them there and just about everywhere there are farm animals, making it way to easy to find a new mount, also do farm animals really occur in the wild? Back to the mountain goat, a regular goat might be on a farm like a pig but a boar and mountain goat might be in the wild. I suggest trying to steer away from the cookie cutter spawns and making your shard a little more diverse and realistic.
It seems to spawn the exact things as [createworld. Oh well I will hunt down each one indivually and remove any duplicates. :)
I forget how....but there is an xmlcommand to convert all 'spawner' spawners to Xmlspawners and then save that file. Use the [help command to find it.
is there a spawner for doors and other deco?
You don't normally use spawners or xml spawners for deco. One way to spawn doors and other deco is to type [admin then click >Administer >World Building Then click the buttons that apply for your deco needs. Probably only Decorate Mondain's Legacy, Teleporters, Doors, Moongates, Decoration, Signs.
I'd advise to not click vendors in this menu and use the xmlspawner to create your vendors.
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I just tested both world building through the admin panel & [createworld. Both when you select Decorate Mondains Legecy, it creates regular spawns for the quest npcs. These can be found in Data\Mondain's Legacy I'm not entirely sure of what all the deco mondain covers but this is part of it. so until someone explores this further I recommend avoiding that option as well. Otherwise you'll have a spawner and an xml spawner causing two quests npcs.
Just a note: I dunno if anyone fixed this in ServUO, but a previous release of RunUO 2.1 had an issue with decorating ML. It would also add doors outside of ML (like adding double doors in all the towns) and the crate to enter the Citadel was never added either.
yes there are some deco issues Ive noticed as well some signs out of place missing gates on cemeteries, roof tiles. There was a fix for the citadel crate at some point but perhaps never implemented.
I noticed that spawned way too much vendors (dont know if its only for me), like New Haven bank had 4 bankers and 2 minters (instead of 2 and 2), 4 tailors and 2 tailors guildmaster. Brittains got 6 bankers and so, so just report it thou, can be only with me.

Did [global delete and [facet delete, and re-do the process, but still spawns too much NPCs that has some service (storage, sells, etc)

FIXED: The problem was with me, they were spawning the spawn stone together with the accuratespawn stone. Looks significantly less vendors,now its 3 bankers on New Haven Bank (when it only was 2 on the OSI). Stays the tip thou, thx
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