Your BulkOrders/Books should have BOBFilterGump, BOBFilterGump2, BOBGump, BOBGump2, BOBBuyGump, BOBBuyGump2, BulkOrderBook & BulkOrderBook2. What you're showing is missing the BOBGump2 & BOBBuyGump2. Those are both needed for the BulkOrderBook2. The BOBFilterGump2 should be showing the public class of BOBFilterGump2 unless you merged them together. As for the new errors, thats most likely a bad merge in BaseCreature. Sorry it took so long to get back to this. I work nights & just got up.
I guess I could have put the new BulkOrderBook files in a separate folder. The ones with the 2 in the name should just be added into the Books folder & not merged. Those are all for the BulkOrderBook2 to handle the new BoD's. I'm going to add in a slightly altered version in the morning with a clearer directory & small fixes I had originally missed.
Yeah Hammer was a bad merge with Base creature..i got it fixed..then ran into a bad merge with Base Weapon..Honestly i think be best just to write a new one from scratch (new OWLTR)
You see. OWLTR isnt the reason for bad merges. Its the sheer size of the BaseCreature, PlayerMobile & BaseWeapon scripts. If ANY changes are made to any of them prior to merging, it throws the merge setup off badly. For those 3 scripts its actually better (much more time consuming, but better), to do them by hand & not with a program just because of the size and amount of info in them. Re-writing OWLTR wouldnt have much effect on that, if any. But you are welcome to try a re-write.
I wouldnt mind to do a re-write but my problem is i been out of practice so long..wouldnt know where to begin... And by no means was i trying to knock your work or Daats....
Small update/upgrade to the Daat99 ControlCenterGump. Now has a larger gump & entries for the new BoDs for the OWLTRBOD system. Players only need to type [owltrbod to get access to this which allows them to get a BoD no matter where they are... even in a dungeon if they wish. The gump now shows the new Carp & Fletch BoDs for selection. Gump also shows time remaining until next BoD is available.


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looks kool, what program is good to use to merge...i have cat and dogleather on my server i still want to keep, plus other edits like murder count from npcs. or should i just look at both side by side and copy stuff over??? that may take forever,......
I use WinMerge. Although with the size of BaseCreature, PlayerMobile & BaseWeapon, side by side for those 3 is the better route.
Is this version still compatible with the current servuo release? even on a fresh install (replacing files) I couldn't get it to work.
I've had the same issues. Replacing the servUO files results in missing references from other servUO files. I've also tried merging, but the syntax is so different between the servUO files and the OWLTR that I can't figure out quite what is going on.
Your ResourceInfo.cs is fine, so its got to be somewhere else. What exactly is happening when you try to craft? Any messages? Are the woods showing in the craft gump?
:) I am also re-merging on a separate setup to see if i missed something.


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My diagnosis on those 2 files is they are terminal. Sorry..... they are both missing something slightly important to OWLTR.... the edits. As in all of them in both files. It happens with so many to modify, some can accidently get left out. I've done it many times myself.
I used WinMerge to merge all of the files for this module, but getting these errors:

+ Mobiles/Monsters/ML/Humanoid/Magic/Satyr.cs:
CS0115: Line 63: 'Server.Mobiles.Satyr.CanDiscord': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 64: 'Server.Mobiles.Satyr.CanPeace': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 65: 'Server.Mobiles.Satyr.CanProvoke': no suitable method found to override
+ Quests/SA Evidence Quests/Mobiles/GargishRouser.cs:
CS0115: Line 116: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.CanDiscord': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 117: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.CanPeace': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 118: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.CanProvoke': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 121: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.DiscordInterval': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 122: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.PeaceInterval': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 123: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.ProvokeInterval': no suitable method found to override
+ Quests/SA Termur Zhah Quest/Mobiles/MinionOfScelestus.cs:
CS0115: Line 60: 'Server.Mobiles.MinionOfScelestus.TaintedLifeAura': no suitable method found to override
+ Services/Despise Revamped/Mobiles/DespiseCreature.cs:
CS0115: Line 130: 'Server.Engines.Despise.DespiseCreature.ForceNotoriety': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 132: 'Server.Engines.Despise.DespiseCreature.GivesFameAndKarmaAward': no suitable method found to overr
+ Services/Despise Revamped/Mobiles/EvilCreatures.cs:
CS0115: Line 54: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Phantom.GetBardTarget(bool)': no suitable method found to override
+ Services/Despise Revamped/Mobiles/GoodCreatures.cs:
CS0115: Line 54: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Silenii.CanDiscord': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 55: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Silenii.DiscordInterval': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 57: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Silenii.GetBardTarget(bool)': no suitable method found to override
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You overwrote parts of the BaseCreature.cs that were needed. With the sheer size of BaseCreature its sometimes better to do the edits by hand. I overwrote those same sections myself while testing the new version & the previous one as well. :oops: Fortunately, WinMerge saves a backup of the original file.
You overwrote parts of the BaseCreature.cs that were needed. With the sheer size of BaseCreature its sometimes better to do the edits by hand. I overwrote those same sections myself while testing the new version & the previous one as well. :oops: Fortunately, WinMerge saves a backup of the original file.

So I should not have copied everything over?
Or go with the original file?
You need all of the edits, but you have to be careful when adding them in. WinMerge makes it easy, but also makes it easy to overwrite important things. And anytime someone makes a change to an original file like BaseCreature it throws the merge off a bit to where you overwrite even more by accident. The only things you want to copy over are the OWLTR edits themselves. But be very careful & look at whats there. Its possible to highlight an edit, click copy and then paste it into the original file in its proper place so that it doesnt overwrite anything. With the large files like BaseCreature, PlayerMobile & BaseWeapon I usually just open the original and the edited one both in Visual C# and scroll down a bit on first one and then the other, locate the edit in the modifed file and copy/paste it into the original in the same area without overwriting the original coding for something else. Takes a while, but its more accurate then just using a merge program. That way, when you edit lines 235 through 247 (just an example), you're only changing those lines and not moving an entire chunk of code over that may wipe out things like CanDiscord. Because it gives you the ability to place the lines where they need to be. Lines 235 through 247 in the modifed file could be something else entirely in the original, especially if you've modified it before. And with ServUO constantly going through this and that change, it further complicates things. I'm working on a package for OWLTR right now based on the ServUOMaster which will probably have changes in it that will affect merges next week. So your best bet is to do a side by side copy & paste on the really big files. Take your time & take a break here & there. I know its not what you wanted to hear, but it really is the best way with the big files. Ok, I'm finished with this book (I hope) & am heading for bed (gotta work again tonight).
I spoke to a friend of mine that has been around for awhile, and she told me this thing has been known to be problematic.

I am not saying no to the project. I am just saying I am waiting on an update or a compatible update.
Or you can upload your original BaseCreature.cs & let me give it a shot. I've got 4 nights off this weekend, so I have a "little" time. :)
Can you remove that this is for Pub 54, As it is not anywhere near the same on the Pub 54 Main Files, and needs SEVERE merging/ editing/ extreme attention paid, while adding, even to a fresh copy (which is confusing, cuz if its for the 54, it would be able to just drag drop to a fresh repo)

Can you remove that this is for Pub 54, As it is not anywhere near the same on the Pub 54 Main Files, and needs SEVERE merging/ editing/ extreme attention paid, while adding, even to a fresh copy (which is confusing, cuz if its for the 54, it would be able to just drag drop to a fresh repo)


It has been build for 54 but seems like the last core update had a lot of changes in it making the drag and drop impossible and the merging to hard to handle for most of us. Instead of complaining we should be thankful for someone like Hammerhead who spends his time over and over again to upgrade the package.
I guess when you read something someone suggest it seems rude. It wasn't meant to be. Also, We are appreciative of things. It was more of a suggestion because the repo is different now so it can get confusing for others.
I guess when you read something someone suggest it seems rude. It wasn't meant to be. Also, We are appreciative of things. It was more of a suggestion because the repo is different now so it can get confusing for others.
I'm sorry I misread your reply. no hard feelings.
I haven't really looked into it yet but, when you restart the server any +gear seems to turn into Alchemy+ on the bonus.
Updated them to work properly.


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Thankyou. I kept feeling like something was missing in those. 1 tiny little line *facepalm* Again, thankyou Dramoor.
I was originally doing the crafting armor in 1 script, but then thought about how annoying it would be to get Blacksmith armor when turning in a Fletching BoD, so I split them & apparently forgot the Ser/Deser part. Could have been worse I suppose. :D
Updated the BOBLargeEntry.cs to give back the correct Large Bod.

Fixes where it was giving back a Carp Large bod if the Lbod was Fletch and was giving a Fletch if Lbod was Carpenter. Easy fix.


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errors.jpg Ive been able to work through most of my errors but cant for the life of me lick these base creature errors.


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I had Base creature compile successfully suggestion would be go through Bas creature included in the OWLTR and only merge over the commented parts..thats the only part you should actualy need Thankfully Base creature was well commented =)

sorry my eyes are bad cant make out the error report

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