Each monster has it's own script. In the script you would have to code it as a paragon. The other thing is every monster that has been spawned can have the admin command [Set Paragon True to make it a paragon. I also believe if you check XMLspawner commands there is a way to add that argument to your xml spawner to make it spawn a paragon. Do a google search on xmlspawner commands.
or it might be [Set IsParagon True
In Paragon.cs
If you want Paragons to spawn on more than Ilshenar you would need to change this...
public class Paragon
public static double ChestChance = .10;// Chance that a paragon will carry a paragon chest
public static double ChocolateIngredientChance = .20;// Chance that a paragon will drop a chocolatiering ingredient
public static Map[] Maps = new Map[] // Maps that paragons will spawn on
public static Type[] Artifacts = new Type[]
I am not sure if Termur can take on paragons easily.I tried it in the past and got a region error. Never pursued it to fix it. That could have been a problem if I was running Regions in a box or something.