Thanks for sharing! I'm going to add a inscription requirement to it for my shard. This was also on my to do list. :)
Yeah, I did the same thing, but I wanted the released version to be EA accurate. Glad I saved you some time!
Just wanted to offer some tips/suggested changes to the file to support accuracy:
  • You'll need to add checks for the required items (empty runebook, recall runes, and mark scrolls).
  • You'll likely want to verify the number of entries in the targeted runebook and then check the mobile's pack for the items required (i.e. if the targeted runebook has 3 entries, they'll need 3 mark scrolls and 3 recall runes).
  • You'll also need to make sure it deletes the appropriate number of mark scrolls and recall runes, as well as the empty runebook.
  • ... and lastly, you'll need to add a check for whether or not the targeted runebook even has any entries (copying blank runebooks and wasting charges isn't a good thing).
Otherwise, it's a good script.
I created it to not consume resources as it was a special reward on my shard. But your more than welcome to change it, re-release it or anything else you desire.

When I get some time, I will re-release with resources being consumed and the block for empty runebooks (didn't think of that one!).
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Has anyone updated this anywhere to use resources and do checks as it should?
If not how would one go about simply making it a limited use item?
Here ya go. Test this and let me know how it goes.

This one should verify there are entries in the source runebook. It will also make you target a destination empty runebook, then it will try to consume exactly the right number of recall runes and mark scrolls, plus delete the empty runebook.

** FILE DELETED ** See below.
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Thank you Lokai, And I misquoted the other script in the original post it does not consume resources but it does indeed have limited use to it (10 uses)
So it still ends up being a good reward item. Wanted to mention that beings I had mislead people to think it did not have that feature. and I changed the hue on my to 1162 blaze color it looks much better.
Glad your doing this I played with this on ABCUO and liked it even dontated for it cause I had a need to copy a crap load of runebooks lol
The tricky part about this one was having it only consume Unmarked recall runes found in your pack. I had to create a new ConsumeTotal method inside the Pen script to get that working the way I wanted it.

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