
Hi all I hope you all find yourselves well,

So if I want to reduce the time in which the pets leave there owners, I already had many users report that they just leave, can anyone guide me or give me a clue on where do I need to look?
So on my shard, under BaseCreature.cs

I added this bit of code

else if (Controlled && Commandable)
                if (IsBonded) //Intentional difference (showing ONLY bonded when bonded instead of bonded & tame)
                    list.Add(1049608); // (bonded)
                    list.Add(1060662, String.Format("Loyalty Rating\t{0}%", Loyalty.ToString())); // ADD THIS
                    list.Add(502006); // (tame)
                    list.Add(1060662, String.Format("Loyalty Rating\t{0}%", Loyalty.ToString())); // ADD THIS

the bonded and tame are already there, below that I simply added:

list.Add(1060662, String.Format("Loyalty Rating\t{0}%", Loyalty.ToString())); // ADD THIS

This allows my players to better keep track. Search for Loyalty in BaseCreature and you will find the code that controls this.
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In BaseCreature.cs this is the code you would want to edit:

public class LoyaltyTimer : Timer
        private static readonly TimeSpan InternalDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0);

        public static void Initialize()
            new LoyaltyTimer().Start();

        public LoyaltyTimer()
            : base(InternalDelay, InternalDelay)
            m_NextHourlyCheck = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;

        private DateTime m_NextHourlyCheck;

        protected override void OnTick()
            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= m_NextHourlyCheck)
                m_NextHourlyCheck = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);

I am assuming you are using ServUO. If using RunUO it should be similar but I do not really know.
Commanding your pet can also cause loyalty to drop so there will be a few other spots to edit.
Tasanar you could also do it like this ;) then in case you want to change the string (for example) you dont need to do it twice :p

            else if (Controlled && Commandable)
                if (IsBonded) //Intentional difference (showing ONLY bonded when bonded instead of bonded & tame)
                    list.Add(1049608); // (bonded)
                    list.Add(502006); // (tame)
                list.Add(1060662, String.Format("Loyalty Rating\t{0}%", Loyalty.ToString())); // ADD THIS
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what exactly does this do? I'm having an issue where followers are going un-tame on random world saves. I have my loyalty ratings modified to lose 1 every hour but these are pretty fresh tames that they are losing.
Tasanar you could also do it like this ;) then in case you want to change the string (for example) you dont need to do it twice :p

            else if (Controlled && Commandable)
                if (IsBonded) //Intentional difference (showing ONLY bonded when bonded instead of bonded & tame)
                    list.Add(1049608); // (bonded)
                    list.Add(502006); // (tame)
                list.Add(1060662, String.Format("Loyalty Rating\t{0}%", Loyalty.ToString())); // ADD THIS

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