night devil

ServUO Version
Publish 57
Ultima Expansion
Lord Blackthorn's Revenge
can someone point me to the script that give to the location of new starting characters
Trying to change the location New player start, after char is created. this change also should happen no matter how old the account is, basically forcing players to spawn only in Felucca only. im looking at this part of the script but not under standing

CC Snip it,:
            var city = args.City;
            var map = Siege.SiegeShard && city.Map == Map.Trammel ? Map.Felucca : city.Map;

            newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, map);

            Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", state, args.Account.Username);
            Console.WriteLine(" - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial);
       [I]    [/I][B][I] Console.WriteLine(" - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map);[/I][/B]

            new WelcomeTimer(newChar).Start();

this line...

Console.WriteLine(" - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map);

or even if im in the right spot.
this line sends the player to the defined location:
newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, map);

so you would change the Location and Map to your need.
You can also define your own CityInfo and set var city to it
this line sends the player to the defined location:
newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, map);

so you would change the Location and Map to your need.
You can also define your own CityInfo and set var city to it
What if its not a city but a custom starting area. Ex. Newbie dungeon.
Hi Guys, need need help with this I have changed the MoveToWorld like this:
var city = args.City;
var loc = new Point3D( 6348, 3323,0 );
var map = Map.Felucca;
newChar.MoveToWorld(loc, map);

And it doesnt work, its like completely ignored and always send me to location chosen during the character creation.
Any help ?

Thank you.

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