
Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to use client version

I found these custom maps from a forum post here on ServUO....

Apparently, they work fine with version, in my version there are several places where the "unused" or total black spot exists...I've found at least three item types...

Can anyone explain to me how I can go in somehow and port it to work with my version? I need to figure out how to do this manually.


(OR if someone can tell me where to find client, that would be great too.)
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The reason you are getting this black spots is because the map size changed between the two clients. I forgot the old map sizes prior to ML, but they are smaller.

The map size uses is larger. I am on my phone so I can't be more help, but you will need to convert the map mul into a bmp file and then copy and paste the map shapes onto a larger map 7168x4096 (pixels). UOLandscaper or Dragon can assist you with this process.

I am not sure if CentrED can allow you to edit those black areas or not; If so, that would be the easiest way to fix your problem.
Thank you so much for the reply... I'm having trouble getting either Dragon_m2b to work....getting error '00' is not a valid integer value....

UOLandscaper seems to do nothing when I try to run the app to make a BMP from MUL. Hmm.....

Honestly, do you know where I might be able to find free custom maps that will work with, that would save me a lot of time and trouble? I just don't want to use the default map....

Thank you.
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I do not know anything about Dragon really. I have always used UOLandscaper; the .mul to .bmp converter that came with UOL was disabled because it is illegal to decompile the official maps and the developer, dknight, did not want the liability that could come with that.

Unfortunately I don’t know how to get free worlds, but I hope someone is nice enough to offer you a custom world they might not be using.
I think the old map size is 6144x4096 could be wrong but the ml map size is longer in the x coordinate only. You could try using uofiddler to turn those custom maps into bitmap and then loading the bitmap into Photoshop or gimp and rescaling them to the larger map size. Then I'd say find a copy of Dragon mod 11 and use the bitmap to mul. You could also try making your own maps using Dragon mods palettes in Photoshop or gimp.

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