sahisahi Member Oct 5, 2016 #1 How can i prevent players from taking creatures far away from spawn? i saw a feature to make creatures teleport back to spawn if no players around, where is it? Right now creatures walk back to their spawn zone. Thanks.
How can i prevent players from taking creatures far away from spawn? i saw a feature to make creatures teleport back to spawn if no players around, where is it? Right now creatures walk back to their spawn zone. Thanks.
arphile Member Oct 5, 2016 #2 Just put some code in OnTick() function. Getting dist, check around and find mobiles, move it.
tass23 Member Oct 5, 2016 #3 The easiest thing to do is to use the Return Home floor tile from this package
The easiest thing to do is to use the Return Home floor tile from this package
OP sahisahi Member Oct 5, 2016 #4 OHh it is a tile.. so if i make a ''box'' around the spawn it will do the trick i guess! Thank you @tass23
OHh it is a tile.. so if i make a ''box'' around the spawn it will do the trick i guess! Thank you @tass23