
ServUO Version
Publish Unknown
Ultima Expansion
Hello, I am brand new here. I played UO when it first came out. I would really like to do T2A server for just my brother and I. Can anyone point me in the direction of how do this?
Hey Ian,

I'm returning myself after a few years of being away, it's pretty painless to get up and running. There are tons of resources to get you started.

I would recommend downloading the server package and following the directions. Be patient and take your time with the readme's. If you run into trouble ask specific questions. I couldn't tell you what issues you'll run into so be specific, it helps anyone that wants to help you give you direct advice.

To play, at least for me, I am using UOSteam. It seemed like the simplest to set up. That's for the classic client. For the Enhanced Client theres a different set of things to do.

Good Luck!
The latest ServUO publications no longer support the T2A/UOR era. And also considering the number of modern content in this emulator, which is not inherent in Renaissance eras, it would be more correct to use the RunUO emulator.
To set server T2A Expansion, you have to change next line in script:
private static readonly Expansion Expansion = Expansion.T2A;
also don't forget to specify path to UO folder in DataPath.cs script

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