
Tukaram submitted a new resource:

Pumpkin Pet Quest - Get a pumpkin pet for Halloween

This quest got its inspiration from a Vampire quest, the knife/body parts (by LostSinner) and an Easter Bunny Pet Quest (the Pet Statue originally by Raelis, Easter quest by Milva). The included addons, Hella's Hut and the Pumpkin Patch were taken from the PumpkinHead Quest, by dracana. All I did on the addons was rename them, to avoid duplication of items.

But I wanted a Pumpkin Pet Quest, so I edited the ideas together. Halloween needs some quest love, you know.


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ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 6437.20990
Publish 54

+ Quests/2Quest of the Months/Oct.Quest/Pumpkin Pet Quest/Pumpkin Pet Quest/Mob
CS0246: Line 63: The type or namespace name 'TribeType' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Quests/2Quest of the Months/Oct.Quest/Pumpkin Pet Quest/Pumpkin Pet Quest/Mob
CS0246: Line 59: The type or namespace name 'TribeType' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark (that is probably correct) that Tukaram had intended the quest for Pub57, as TribeType is how Slayer works in pub57.
Yes, I think I am on Pub 57? My zip of the ServUO Master is dated 16MAR2020. I do not see in the repo where it says what build it is...

The 2 files in question were lifted almost directly from the repo. I made a few adjusments, like increasing their skill level and damage amount, but did not change much. Of course I also changed his loot pack...

Shady is a Shade, Skelington is a Bone Knight. You can look at the scripts for those critters in your files and change that section to match what your version does. I was not aware it had been changed.

You could either change it to match the slayer type in your Pub, or just remark out the slayer section. That would (I believe) just make it not affected by slayer weapons. In the context of the quest, it would make no real difference.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark (that is probably correct) that Tukaram had intended the quest for Pub57, as TribeType is how Slayer works in pub57.
Which brings up a good point. How do I know what Pub I am on? I look at the console and do not see anything about a pub number. I also do not see any file in the repo that says what pub it is. All I see is build 7614.3704 5NOV2020...

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