
I hope I didn't post this in the wrong place can some one point me in the proper direction to editing pvm damage for players to do more damage to mobs but not in pvp?
I am wanting to make players stronger in pvm so you do not have to have a pet to kill 90% of mobs in the game.
I know i can go the route of editing mobs damage but i would prefer not to interrupt that balance thats already set in the game.
I am just wanting to give players more power in their hands when it comes to being a swordsman or a fencer fighting a ancient wrym for an example hitting some mobs for 15, 20 damage is not enough i would like to give it a boost so per say they are able to hit 30,50 damage so they can stand a chance when wanting to be a fighting class type of skill set.

If anyone could point me in the proper direction i would truly apricate it.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me so far from the community it totally rocks and i have been learning alot more then i could of ever thought i would!
You can stack buffs to make melee combat extremely effective. Discord, honor, enemy of one -- add any of those with some +dmg jewelry and you can take down nearly anything.

You can tweak damage in AOS.cs. Most people use it to reduce pvp damage in shards with unlimited skill caps but it can go the other way too. Find the section with
            else if (Core.ML && m is PlayerMobile)
                if (quiver != null)
                    damage += damage * quiver.DamageIncrease / 100;

                totalDamage = Math.Min(damage, Core.TOL && ranged ? 30 : 35);    // Direct Damage cap of 30/35

and comment out the totalDamage line if you want to remove any existing melee damage cap. Then add your own ifs within that same section for further boosts if you desire, like:

            if( m is BaseCreature && from is PlayerMobile )
                totalDamage += 20;    //Adds 20 to damage dealt

You can fine-tune which mobs get how much boost by specifying certain mobs and not just BaseCreature but you get the idea.
You can stack buffs to make melee combat extremely effective. Discord, honor, enemy of one -- add any of those with some +dmg jewelry and you can take down nearly anything.

You can tweak damage in AOS.cs. Most people use it to reduce pvp damage in shards with unlimited skill caps but it can go the other way too. Find the section with
            else if (Core.ML && m is PlayerMobile)
                if (quiver != null)
                    damage += damage * quiver.DamageIncrease / 100;

                totalDamage = Math.Min(damage, Core.TOL && ranged ? 30 : 35);    // Direct Damage cap of 30/35

and comment out the totalDamage line if you want to remove any existing melee damage cap. Then add your own ifs within that same section for further boosts if you desire, like:

            if( m is BaseCreature && from is PlayerMobile )
                totalDamage += 20;    //Adds 20 to damage dealt

You can fine-tune which mobs get how much boost by specifying certain mobs and not just BaseCreature but you get the idea.

thank you so much falkor! I am more or so just wanting to give players a boost when it comes to pvp to try and curve the tamer gap i see alot of shards including my private one for me and some friends to play on to really kill most mobs you have to have a pet or you get your butt handed to you!
So really was wanting to just give us a damage boost so we are able to kill things not being a tamer!

Im still learning code but im slowly learning it little by little so thats all that matters to me only things i have been running into is looking for certain files that can be changed to do such things!

Thank you for your help and your time!

Active Shards


Total amount