
thor86 submitted a new resource:

Random Magic Gear - random stats on gear & weapons

Random Stats Artifacts (Random Magic Item Generation) DRAG & DROP INTO CUSTOMS

Got this idea once from reading
test [add xmlspawner ArtifactGlove set it to 15 and spawn on ground and respawn a few times to see how they change do same for others if ya want
also have a random artifact deed [add RAD it has all the gear/weap/shield/jewl/clothi i put in folder in it

everything is ITokunoDyable so it can be dyed with them dye...

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Thanks but that looks like the same guide Created By Hammerhand that Milva's posted, I did use a lot of code from that guide while working on this. and have it saved to a .txt for future use.
Yes, it is Hammerhand's. That 's why I posted it. Is a very good guide and more people writing weapons and armor should use it.
had this problem with the Brittle command

+ Customs/AAA Testing/Random Magic Item Generation/weapons shields/ArtifactWeap
    CS1061: Line 237: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for '
Brittle' and no extension method 'brittle' accepting a first argument of type 'S
erver.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an ass
embly reference?)
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James ,sorry the Brittle thing is from a Imbuing script i got off here awhile back you can remove the part of the scripts that give that error , remove this
      // can be brittle
            switch (Utility.Random(2))
                case 0: Attributes.Brittle = 1; break;
that should take care of the error, all it does anyway is (Brittle is an item property found on some items. Items with this property cannot be fortified and so can never have their durability increased.) I added it cause I was trying to make my own version of EAsports "Shame Dungeon random magic item generation system"
Does anyone have the extremely expanded upon version of this that was on RunUO before it died?

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