maybe C:/ Users /userName/Documents/ EA Games/ UserData?

edit nope thats for client

Im looking in hidden files I dont see it yet

main folder xml doc called launcher?
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Found it.

If you had Remember Password on, on a specific profile, its in the xml doc at the bottom.
For last server/port
From razor source code:
				Config.SetRegString( Registry.CurrentUser, "LastServer", se.Address );
				Config.SetRegString( Registry.CurrentUser, "LastPort", se.Port.ToString() );

So it should be in the registry under Current User / Software / Razor
Yeah....Jeff is right....Wish the interface allowed easy removal of unwanted IP's. The older versions of Razor used to store them as a pair I think. They would be stored as something like IP1/Port1...So, say you had and had seperate servers on Port 2593 and 2594 it would save them like this in the registry:

IP1 -
Port1- 2593

Port2- 2594

So if you used an IP with several different ports it would store each IP multiple times..very redundant. The newest Razor seems to only store the IP and a Default Port(the initial port you designate for said IP). If the IP has other ports you want to use you have to manually enter them and it just updates the Default port to the last port you entered. Anyway, if you have unwanted IP's in your list you can remove them via your registry.

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