Hello everybody, i've created an server to play with my nephew and id like to remove reagents for casting spells, i've tried to mess with spell.cs but got no luck so far, can someone point me to the correct direction?
Spell.cs was right, as far as I can see it you would want to comment all functionallity of the ConsumeReagents method and just let it return true.
Great, gonna test it out, thanks guys.

Edit: So i've tried to remove the entire Consumereagent and even set it above 100 both opinions, for necro and pally books it works with no reagents, but for mage book it keeps asking me for reagents.

Edit 2: Just so you guys and others with the same problem, i did what Pyro told, removed it all and made it return true, but i also had to go to mageryspell.cs and remove the ConsumeReagents part, and changed the return to true. Got it with no reagents running, thanks.
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I'm brand new and just beginning to learn how to alter scripts. Could someone take the time to paste a 'before' and 'after' example of this in the script? Much appreciated!
I can't seem to get this to work. Has something in the files changed? I would also like to know how this is would be done. I tried to comment out the ConsumeReagent or change the checks to true even if there are no reagents but i only got errors while starting. I am quite bad at coding so i might be doing something wrong

Got it to work. Tried to do this the hard way at first it seems. Just edited the Spell.cs to always return true when it checks for the reagents
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