
Some of the recent changes in the Distro files for MasteryInfo.cs and SkillMasterySpell.cs would not compile. I might have missed something in Merging them with my current files but I'm not sure. As a result of the changes there was also problems in some of the changes with the Bard skills and the Party.cs stuff. I had to revert those changes to my previous version to get them to work. I will go back and try again with merging next month (I wait a few weeks between updates to the distro files to merge things with my current server, just in case there are reverts). This isn't really a help request as such just a general notification in case someone else runs into problems with their server compiling after using the new distro files.
So I will say it is probably safe for you to go ahead and try re-merging.

Myself and Dexter run UO Heritage and it is the defacto ServUO shard. All code that gets changed in the repo gets instantly added there, if it wasn't tested there to begin with, and is tested in a working environment of about 50 players at any given time.

Active Shards


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