
I was wondering where all the Recipe information is located!!??! I Seriously cannot find it using search.... Nothing but commands for giving it and for the special bags that drop them but nothing on how they work etc... Thanks :)
Recipes and how they work are tied in all over the place. PlayerMobile, the crafting system, quest system, ect. What are you looking to do with them, can probably point you in the right direction.
Trying to check the drop rate on the higher end valuable scrolls :)
Scripts\Services\Quests\Mondain's Legacy\BaseReward.cs
public static RecipeScroll GetRecipe(Array list)
    var recipes = new int[list.Length];

    int index = 0;
    int mid = -1;

    foreach (int i in list)
        int val = i - (i / 100) * 100;

        if (val >= 50 && mid == -1)
            mid = index;

        recipes[index] = i;
        index += 1;

    if (list.Length == 0) // empty list
        return null;
    if (mid == -1) // only lesser recipes in list
        return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.Random(list.Length)]);
    if (mid == 0) // only greater recipes in list
        if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
            return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.Random(list.Length)]);
        if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
            return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.RandomMinMax(mid, list.Length - 1)]);

        return new RecipeScroll(recipes[Utility.Random(mid)]);

    return null;

Active Shards


Total amount