

So I'm working on a new server. I was wondering if it was possible to remove the ability for a guard to insta-kill when they are called. I would prefer to have the guard aggressively chase and hunt down players who have committed a criminal action. Similar to the Necromancy Revenant spell, I would like the guard to chase the player until the player dies and also give the guard an ability to loot all the players items that are not insured and destroy them (and also return stolen items to the original player). I would also like to make the guard able to re-arm if they are disarmed and give the guard the ability to dismount a criminal upon teleporting to them.

The only way to actually get rid of this guard is to either die or kill them (They won't be immortal). However, upon killing a guard, three more pop up in their place. Thus, the only way to end the squabble once and for all is to kill the remaining three guards. Only then is the chase over and the battle done (no special loot so killing them is not very rewarding). However, guards can be called on you again if you enter town. You must wait forty-eight hours before being able to enter town.

Can someone help me figure out where to start? I know starting in the WarriorGuard.cs is the primary location for changes. The part where three guards pop up after a guard dies is already implemented. I just need help with the following:
1. No insta-kill.
2. Dismount criminal.
3. Aggressively chase (similar to revenant spell).
4. Able to re-arm after being disarmed.
5. Return stolen items when criminal dies.
6. Loot and destroy all uninsured items when criminal dies.

I was thinking about copying and pasting portions of the revenant spell but I'm not so sure if this works. I'm not very excelled in C++ but I'm willing to learn.

Looking forward to the replies and thanks!

- Arthrutus
Felladrin released a killable guard of 3 different types called The Peacemaker. Apparently they still respond to guard commands and can be killed, but don't loot. Either way, there's something a step closer to where ya going.

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