Well if you want, drop a PNG (the before) and a BMP (the after). I'll see if I can work something out or not...I find this kind of stuff fun. If the input is always in the same kind of view, the output is as well so it should be possible to determine a fixed transformation to apply to all sprites.
Here is both the freshly rendered PNG, the finished BMP and also the PSD file containing the layers. :)
Well if you want, drop a PNG (the before) and a BMP (the after). I'll see if I can work something out or not...I find this kind of stuff fun. If the input is always in the same kind of view, the output is as well so it should be possible to determine a fixed transformation to apply to all sprites.
And also, thanks for looking into this. It would be really great if you could figure something out that could speed up things. Would help me a great deal! :)


  • New renders 001.zip
    42.1 KB · Views: 23
Vrark updated Rendered sprites with a new update entry:

Updated to version 2.0

View attachment 21621
I'm finally ready to release a new version of these! This time all of the sprites are rendered in the new and improved way, and I must say I really think they look better. You may recognise some of the sprites from my older uploads, and I'm sure you can tell the difference.
This first version with the new rendering style is mostly a futuristic/sci-fi/steampunk themed one, but I will continue with more medieval/RPG-style after this version.
And I want to...

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For anyone interested, here is my Blender scene that I am working with.


  • Daz to Blender sprites.rar
    425.4 KB · Views: 42
Vrark updated Rendered sprites with a new update entry:

Updated to version 2.1

I'm finally ready to release a new version of the rendered sprites.
The project is getting so large that from now on I will have to link to a Mega folder. If this causes you any issues, please let me know!
These haven't all been tested inside the game, but I did run a batch script to remove all 100% black pixels on the sprites. So unless there are any 100% white pixels, they should be good.
As something new, I have also included all of the renders as transparent PNG files, if people would...

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Vrark updated Rendered sprites with a new update entry:

Updated to version 2.2

This update adds over 600 new sprites. In this version you will find both medieval and modern/sci-fi themed renders. For now, the sprites are still divided into several archives, but I am working on sorting them, and once I am done, the newer versions will include the old sprites as well. I already ran a script to remove all 100% white and all 100% black from the older sprites, so once I'm done with the sorting, I will release those as well.
As I've done with the other versions from 2.0 and...

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Purple, red, dark blue Crystal walls would be cool been trying to make Underdark Drow buildings if ever read any RA salvatore books describes the drow buildings :)
Purple, red, dark blue Crystal walls would be cool been trying to make Underdark Drow buildings if ever read any RA salvatore books describes the drow buildings :)
Unfortunately I don't have any assets that could work as those you describe. :(
Vrark updated Rendered sprites with a new update entry:

Version 4.0 is finally here!

I know I haven't updated this in over a year, but it has been because I just never felt that the renders was as I wanted them to be. Also, when I was working on version 3, I encountered a lot of the black outlines that just didn't look good, and the only way I could remove them was manually, and that was just too much work.
Since then I have changed the workflow a bit. I added the 'freestyle' option in Blender which gives the renders a small outline to most of the edges. I also changed the...

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these are all seriously impressive! i want to jump into blender now that we have some tools and see what i can come up with for the community! keep up the good work my friend!
these are all seriously impressive! i want to jump into blender now that we have some tools and see what i can come up with for the community! keep up the good work my friend!
Thanks a lot!
I have a tutorial on how to do this in Blender, though it is a bit outdated, compared to how I do things now. So if you would like to have my updated .blend file, let me know and I will upload it here. :)
Thanks a lot!
I have a tutorial on how to do this in Blender, though it is a bit outdated, compared to how I do things now. So if you would like to have my updated .blend file, let me know and I will upload it here. :)
absolutely! i think i have most of your stuff bookmarked because I was gonna give it a hot but just haven't had the time yet. Ill gladly take any updated info as it seems hard to obtain these days!
absolutely! i think i have most of your stuff bookmarked because I was gonna give it a hot but just haven't had the time yet. Ill gladly take any updated info as it seems hard to obtain these days!
Sorry for the late reply, but here is the .blend file I am using now. I have included a free 3D model just so I don't re-distribute any of the Daz models.
If you plan on doing it the same way as I do, you will need to set the render scale to 400%, and then scale the renders down to 25%.
You may also want to change the number in the 'freestyle' section.
And if you find the lighting to be too strong, you can also adjust the exposure and gamma to your liking.
If there is anything you'd like to know, don't hesitate to ask me! :D


  • UO sprites 002.rar
    327 KB · Views: 5

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