
actually the chance of get ANY runic kit from quests is 1/10000 with every kit

That's the code
switch ( Utility.Random( 10000 ) )
                case 500: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.OakWood, 45 );
                case 2500: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.AshWood, 35 );
                case 5000: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.YewWood, 25 );
                case 10000: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.Heartwood, 15 );
Need help for what?
need this?
if (Utility.Random( 10000 ) == 1)	//1/10000, this works too i would guess.
case 0: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.OakWood, 45 ); break;
case 1: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.AshWood, 35); break;
case 2: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.YewWood, 25); break;
case 3: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.Heartwood, 15); break;
Sorry for be so cryptic.
What I mean is that with the actual code, the chance to get a runic kit is 1/10000.
What I need is a code that do the correct random for the reward
That's from UOGuide:
Oak, Ash, Yew, Heartwood (1 in 500/2,500/5,000/10,000)
if (Utility.Random( 500 ) == 1)
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.OakWood, 45 );
else if (Utility.Random( 2500) == 1)
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.AshWood, 35);
else if (Utility.Random( 5000) == 1)
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.YewWood, 25);
else if (Utility.Random( 10000) == 1)
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.Heartwood, 15);

this generates a number between x and y, then checks if the value 1 pops out, this should work.
actually the chance of get ANY runic kit from quests is 1/10000 with every kit

That's the code
switch ( Utility.Random( 10000 ) )
                case 500: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.OakWood, 45 );
                case 2500: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.AshWood, 35 );
                case 5000: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.YewWood, 25 );
                case 10000: return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.Heartwood, 15 );

Actually, that would be 4/10000, which is still wrong, lol

Good catch!
int randvalue = Utility.RandomMinMax(1,10000);
if ( randvalue <= 1 ) {
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.Heartwood, 15);
else if ( randvalue <= 2 ) {
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.YewWood, 25);

else if ( randvalue <= 4 ) {
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.AshWood, 35);

else if ( randvalue <= 20 ) {
return new RunicFletcherTool( CraftResource.OakWood, 45 );
Hello - Where are you putting this drop chance? In the Craftsmans Satchel? (Always thought that was strange for a craftsman to have a satchel.

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