RunUO - [www.runuo.com] Version 2.2, Build 4782.3756
Hi ! I myself use the 2D client (always been pleased with 2D clients) on the server, which runs under RunUO 2.2. I am not very familiar with the types of official or unofficial clients, 3rd party applications, etc. So I introduce UO to my girlfriend, but she finds the frameskip difficult to manage, even stunning at times, very smalls items and movements are hard for her to grasp. I understand that cause its old school and clunky indeed. But is there an alternative way to the basic 2d client to improve this?
Enhanced client? Does it work on runuo 2.2?
Any 3rd app to fix frameskipping, something smoother maybe?
Share your ideas and discoveries of all kind, everything will be appreciated!
Hi ! I myself use the 2D client (always been pleased with 2D clients) on the server, which runs under RunUO 2.2. I am not very familiar with the types of official or unofficial clients, 3rd party applications, etc. So I introduce UO to my girlfriend, but she finds the frameskip difficult to manage, even stunning at times, very smalls items and movements are hard for her to grasp. I understand that cause its old school and clunky indeed. But is there an alternative way to the basic 2d client to improve this?
Enhanced client? Does it work on runuo 2.2?
Any 3rd app to fix frameskipping, something smoother maybe?
Share your ideas and discoveries of all kind, everything will be appreciated!