I had this on my old shard (Runuo 2.5) and it worked fine. I am trying to put it in my new shard (current Servuo) and it goes in with no errors but it will only cut regular logs. If you put any other like oak, yew, heartwood, whatever it gives system message "This can only cut logs."

And I can't place it in my GM's/owner accts house??
I've looked through the script but can't see where the problem lies... any help would be great.

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;
namespace Server.Items
  public class SawmillBlade : AddonComponent
  public SawmillBlade() : base(4533)
  Name = "A dangerous looking saw blade";
  public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
  if (!from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
  from.SendMessage(89, "Your too far away from the spinning blade to do any damage.");
  from.SendMessage(89, "You Almost loose a finger !!!");
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  // BLOOD
  // ****************************
  // ****************************
  private static Hashtable m_BloodTable = new Hashtable();
  public static bool IsBleeding(Mobile m)
  return m_BloodTable.Contains(m);
  public static void BeginBleed(Mobile m)
  Timer t = (Timer)m_BloodTable[m];
  if (t != null)
  t = new InternalTimer(m);
  m_BloodTable[m] = t;
  public static void DoBleed(Mobile m)
  if (m.Alive)
  Blood blood = new Blood();
  blood.ItemID = Utility.Random(0x122A, 5);
  blood.MoveToWorld(m.Location, m.Map);
  EndBleed(m, false);
  public static void EndBleed(Mobile m, bool message)
  Timer t = (Timer)m_BloodTable[m];
  if (t == null)
  if (message)
  m.SendLocalizedMessage(1060167); // The bleeding wounds have healed, you are no longer bleeding!
  private class InternalTimer : Timer
  private Mobile m_Mobile;
  private int m_Count;
  public InternalTimer(Mobile m) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0))
  m_Mobile = m;
  Priority = TimerPriority.TwoFiftyMS;
  protected override void OnTick()
  if (++m_Count == 5)
  EndBleed(m_Mobile, true);
  // ***************************
  public SawmillBlade(Serial serial) : base(serial)
  public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
  writer.Write(0); // Version
  public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
  int version = reader.ReadInt();
  public class SawmillSign : AddonComponent
  private string m_SafetyWarning = "Safety Warning";
  private string m_Resource = "ALL LOG TYPES";
  public SawmillSign() : base(3026)
  Name = "The 'Cut-O-Matic' Lumber Mill";
  Hue = 33;
  public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
  from.SendMessage(89, "Don't play with the blade");
  public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
  list.Add(1060661, "This Sawmill Cuts \t{0}", m_Resource.ToString());
  list.Add(1060658, "{0} \tNever Put Your Fingers Near The Blade.", m_SafetyWarning.ToString());
  list.Add(1060659, "{0} \tAlways Use Correct Protective Equipment.", m_SafetyWarning.ToString());
  public SawmillSign(Serial serial) : base(serial)
  public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
  writer.Write(0); // Version
  public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
  int version = reader.ReadInt();
  public class SawmillCrate : AddonComponent
  public SawmillCrate() : base(3645)
  Name = "Sawmill Crate";
  public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
  from.SendMessage(89, "Place your logs into the crate");
  public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
  int amounttocut = 0;
  if (!from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
  from.SendMessage(89, "You are too far from the machine, step closer.");
  return false;
  if (dropped is Log) // Log is now BaseLog
  if (dropped is OakLog)
  // It's an OAK log
  OakLog yourlogs = (OakLog)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new OakBoard(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  else if (dropped is AshLog)
  // It's an ASH log
  AshLog yourlogs = (AshLog)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new AshBoard(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  else if (dropped is YewLog)
  // It's a YEW log
  YewLog yourlogs = (YewLog)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new YewBoard(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  else if (dropped is HeartwoodLog)
  // It's a HEARTWOOD log
  HeartwoodLog yourlogs = (HeartwoodLog)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new HeartwoodBoard(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  else if (dropped is BloodwoodLog)
  // It's a BLOODWOOD log
  BloodwoodLog yourlogs = (BloodwoodLog)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new BloodwoodBoard(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  else if (dropped is FrostwoodLog)
  // It's a FROSTWOOD log
  FrostwoodLog yourlogs = (FrostwoodLog)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new FrostwoodBoard(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  else if (dropped is Log)
  // It's a NORMAL log
  Log yourlogs = (Log)dropped;
  amounttocut = yourlogs.Amount;
  from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
  Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);  // Plays the saw sound
  Item spawn = new Board(amounttocut);
  spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y - 3, this.Z + 3), this.Map);
  return true;
  from.SendMessage(89, "This can only cut logs.");
  return false;
  //return false;
  public SawmillCrate(Serial serial) : base(serial)
  public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
 base.Serialize( writer );
 writer.Write( 0 ); // Version
 public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
 base.Deserialize( reader );
 int version = reader.ReadInt();
 public class SawmillAddon : BaseAddon
  public override BaseAddonDeed Deed
  { get { return new SawmillAddonDeed(); } }
  public SawmillAddon()
  // base
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(2328), 0, 0, 0);
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(2328), 0, -3, 0);
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(1872), 0, -1, 0);
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(1872), 0, -2, 0);
  // platforms
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(1981), 0, -1, 5);
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(1981), 0, -2, 5);
  AddComponent(new AddonComponent(1981), 0, -3, 1);
  // blade
  AddComponent(new SawmillBlade(), 0, -1, 4);
  // sign
  AddComponent(new SawmillSign(), 1, -1, -4);
  // crate
  AddComponent(new SawmillCrate(), 0, 0, 0);
  public SawmillAddon(Serial serial) : base(serial)
 public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
 base.Serialize( writer );
 writer.Write( 0 ); // Version
 public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
 base.Deserialize( reader );
 int version = reader.ReadInt();
 public class SawmillAddonDeed : BaseAddonDeed
  public override BaseAddon Addon
  { get { return new SawmillAddon(); } }
 public SawmillAddonDeed()
 Name = "Cut-o-Matic Sawmill Addon [ALL LOGS]";
  public SawmillAddonDeed(Serial serial) : base(serial)
 public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
 base.Serialize( writer );
 writer.Write( 0 ); // Version
 public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
 base.Deserialize( reader );
 int version = reader.ReadInt();
Last edited:
I don't know if this will help because it is from my Sawmill.cs that is running on a RunUO shard.

However . . look at the OnDragDrop section I use for switching the Resource. Good Luck *bows*

EDIT: . . seems to me your script always thinks the Drop is a simple Log because all logs are Logs.

		public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
			int amounttocut = 0;
			if (!from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1)) { from.SendMessage(89, "You are too far from the machine, step closer."); return false; }
				if (dropped is Log)
					Log yourlogs = (Log)dropped;
					string s_resource = Convert.ToString(yourlogs.Resource);
					amounttocut = (yourlogs.Amount * 2);
					from.SendMessage(89, "You recieve {0} boards", amounttocut);
					Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x218);
					Item spawn;
					switch (s_resource)
						default: spawn = new Board(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Pine": spawn = new PineBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Cedar": spawn = new CedarBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Cherry": spawn = new CherryBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Mahogany": spawn = new MahoganyBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Oak": spawn = new OakBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Ash": spawn = new AshBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Yew": spawn = new YewBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Heartwood": spawn = new HeartwoodBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Bloodwood": spawn = new BloodwoodBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
						case "Frostwood": spawn = new FrostwoodBoard(amounttocut); spawn.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y-3, this.Z+3), this.Map); break;
					return true;
				from.SendMessage(89, "This can only cut logs.");
				return false;
			return false;
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Curious but out of the file ResourceInfo.cs what does you section for logs look like, this is the one I had when I made this addon...

        private static CraftResourceInfo[] m_WoodInfo = new CraftResourceInfo[]
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x000, 1011542, "Normal",        CraftAttributeInfo.Blank,        CraftResource.RegularWood,    typeof( Log ),            typeof( Board ) ),
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x7DA, 1072533, "Oak",            CraftAttributeInfo.OakWood,        CraftResource.OakWood,        typeof( OakLog ),        typeof( OakBoard ) ),
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x4A7, 1072534, "Ash",            CraftAttributeInfo.AshWood,        CraftResource.AshWood,        typeof( AshLog ),        typeof( AshBoard ) ),
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x4A8, 1072535, "Yew",            CraftAttributeInfo.YewWood,        CraftResource.YewWood,        typeof( YewLog ),        typeof( YewBoard ) ),
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x4A9, 1072536, "Heartwood",        CraftAttributeInfo.Heartwood,    CraftResource.Heartwood,    typeof( HeartwoodLog ),    typeof( HeartwoodBoard ) ),
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x4AA, 1072538, "Bloodwood",        CraftAttributeInfo.Bloodwood,    CraftResource.Bloodwood,    typeof( BloodwoodLog ),    typeof( BloodwoodBoard ) ),
                new CraftResourceInfo( 0x47F, 1072539, "Frostwood",        CraftAttributeInfo.Frostwood,    CraftResource.Frostwood,    typeof( FrostwoodLog ),    typeof( FrostwoodBoard ) )
yep that's what mine looks like too..... I also noticed when testing it out with a gm character, that it won't let me place it on the first floor of a castle. It says "you must place this in a house you own". it places fine on the second floor...strange lol.
Make sure you are placing it in a large enough open space away from walls/doors for it to fit in other wise you might get that message instead of one that simply says 'cannot place there'. Not suggesting this is the solution for you but I have run into that.

A GM character should be able to place the Addon (not from deed) outside buildings . . in yards as well.

Active Shards


Total amount