
So I was checking out the categories and I seen addons and quests... When you say addons is that house addons or... Like additions to your server cause I am picking my brain on to which category would fit my submission best lol.

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Addon's would be considered as CEO items made with Addon Gen :) hope this explains it a bit better? Most script releases would go into Custom Releases unless if it would be UOArt etc
Thank you very much. I thought so but wanted to be sure.

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Milva is correct. General releases belong in the Custom Releases section, the Addons and Quests sections are branched off the Custom Releases section. In order to organize them better (usually ends up being a ton of quests and addons, making it harder to find general releases.)
Thank you both! I am new around here I just wanted to ask before assuming. Btw is this the same insanity from runuo?

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Yes, although I almost never visit RunUO any more. Since being placed on their discourage list for over a year for no reason...just don't see the point in posting on there at all any more.
Well sir if you remember we use to live in the same city if memory serves. I moved to South Carolina thou :( and discourage list wtf is that???

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Yes, although I moved recently all the way to Maine. E-ville sucked...

Discourage list is a feature built into XenForo. It makes it so a page on the forum only loads about 1% of the time, among other things (depending on how you set it up.) Virtually making it impossible to use the forum. Finally managed to get Mark to remove me from the list after being ignored by Ryan for a long time. No one could ever tell me why I was placed on the list. Oh well, was never a fan of all the strangling rules they had. Makes it impossible to build a proper community.
Evansville might have sucked but its worlds better than where I am now lol.

And that sucks. I am sure I made someone's list leaving the community like I did but life happens. I love what you have done with ServUO it was a shocker to come back after years to see RunUO was still not fully supporting ML. Thank you for what your doing.

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