using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;
namespace Server.Gumps
#region " Gump "
public class ItemExperienceGump : Gump
private Mobile m_From;
private Item m_Item;
private AttributeCategory m_Cat;
private GumpPage m_Page;
private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
private const int TitleHue = 0x12B;
private enum GumpPage
public ItemExperienceGump( Mobile from, Item item, AttributeCategory cat ) : this( from, item, cat, GumpPage.None )
private ItemExperienceGump( Mobile from, Item item, AttributeCategory cat, GumpPage page ) : base( 40, 40 )
m_From = from;
m_Item = item;
m_Cat = cat;
m_Page = page;
from.CloseGump( typeof( ItemExperienceGump ) );
AddBackground(50, 35, 540, 382, 9270);
AddAlphaRegion(66, 91, 219, 170);
AddAlphaRegion(66, 49, 508, 34);
AddAlphaRegion(292, 91, 283, 279);
AddAlphaRegion(66, 269, 219, 101);
AddLabel(262, 56, TitleHue, @"Item Experience");
AddLabel(136, 93, TitleHue, @"Categories");
AddButton(75, 116, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 0 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(112, 117, LabelHue, @"Melee Attributes");
AddButton(75, 138, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 1 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(112, 139, LabelHue, @"Magic Attributes");
AddButton(75, 160, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 2 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(112, 161, LabelHue, @"Character Stats");
AddButton(75, 182, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 3 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(112, 183, LabelHue, @"Resistances");
if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
AddButton(75, 204, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 4 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(112, 205, LabelHue, @"Weapon Hits");
AddButton(75, 226, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 5 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(112, 227, LabelHue, @"Misc. Attributes");
AddLabel(394, 93, TitleHue, @"Attributes");
AddImage(0, 4, 10440);
AddImage(554, 4, 10441);
AddButton(280, 379, 241, 243, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Cancel
if ( page == GumpPage.AttributeList )
CreateAttributeList( cat );
public void CreateItemExpList()
ILevelable levitem = (ILevelable)m_Item;
AddLabel(75, 275, LabelHue, @"Max levels on item:");
AddLabel(198, 275, LabelHue, levitem.MaxLevel.ToString());
AddLabel(75, 297, LabelHue, @"Experience:");
AddLabel(154, 297, LabelHue, levitem.Experience.ToString());
int tolevel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < LevelItemManager.ExpTable.Length; ++i)
if (levitem.Experience < LevelItemManager.ExpTable[i])
tolevel = LevelItemManager.ExpTable[i] - levitem.Experience;
AddLabel(75, 319, LabelHue, @"Exp. to next level:");
AddLabel(191, 319, LabelHue, tolevel.ToString());
AddLabel(75, 341, LabelHue, @"Spending Points(sp) Avail:");
AddLabel(230, 341, LabelHue, levitem.Points.ToString());
public void CreateAttributeList( AttributeCategory cat )
int index = 0;
int pageindex;
int attrvalue;
for ( int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes.Length; ++i )
if (LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Category == cat)
pageindex = index % 10;
if ( pageindex == 0 )
if ( index > 0 )
AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");
AddPage( (index / 10) + 1 );
if ( index > 0 )
AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");
if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
else if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
else if (m_Item is BaseClothing)
attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_MaxValue)
AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 2, i ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());
if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes.Length; ++i)
if (LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Category == cat)
pageindex = index % 10;
if (pageindex == 0)
if (index > 0)
AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");
AddPage((index / 10) + 1);
if (index > 0)
AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");
if (LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Attribute == AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).WeaponAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_MaxValue)
AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(3, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());
else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
if (cat == AttributeCategory.Resists)
for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes.Length; ++i)
pageindex = index % 10;
if (pageindex == 0)
if (index > 0)
AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");
AddPage((index / 10) + 1);
if (index > 0)
AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");
if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Physical)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PhysicalBonus;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Fire)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).FireBonus;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Cold)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ColdBonus;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Poison)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PoisonBonus;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Energy)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).EnergyBonus;
attrvalue = 0;
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_MaxValue)
AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(5, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes.Length; ++i)
if (LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Category == cat)
pageindex = index % 10;
if (pageindex == 0)
if (index > 0)
AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");
AddPage((index / 10) + 1);
if (index > 0)
AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");
if (LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Attribute == AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArmorAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_MaxValue)
AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(4, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());
else if (m_Item is BaseJewel || m_Item is BaseClothing)
if (cat == AttributeCategory.Resists)
for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes.Length; ++i)
pageindex = index % 10;
if (pageindex == 0)
if (index > 0)
AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");
AddPage((index / 10) + 1);
if (index > 0)
AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");
if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_MaxValue)
AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(6, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());
public static int GetPointCost(Item m_Item, int xp)
int cost = xp;
if (LevelItems.DoubleArtifactCost)
if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
if (((BaseWeapon)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
cost *= 2;
else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
if (((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
cost *= 2;
else if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
if (((BaseJewel)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
cost *= 2;
if (((BaseClothing)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
cost *= 2;
return cost;
public static int GetButtonID( int type, int index )
return 1 + type + (index * 7);
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
if ( info.ButtonID <= 0 )
return; // Canceled
ILevelable levitem = (ILevelable)m_Item;
int buttonID = info.ButtonID - 1;
int type = buttonID % 7;
int index = buttonID / 7;
int cost = 0;
int attrvalue = 0;
switch ( type )
case 0: // Cancel
case 1: // Select Attribute Type
switch ( index )
case 0: // Melee
m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Melee, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );
case 1: // Magic
m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Magic, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );
case 2: // Char Stats
m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Stats, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );
case 3: // Resistances
m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Resists, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );
case 4: // Weapon Hits
m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Hits, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );
case 5: // Misc.
m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Misc, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );
case 2: // Attribute selected
cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_XP);
if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
//add point to selected attribute
if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes.Length)
if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseWeapon)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseJewel)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (m_Item is BaseClothing)
attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseClothing)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available! This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");
m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));
case 3: // WeaponAttribute selected
cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_XP);
if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
//add point to selected weapon attribute
if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes.Length)
if (LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Attribute == AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).WeaponAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseWeapon)m_Item).WeaponAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available! This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");
m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));
case 4: // Armor Attributes Selected
cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_XP);
if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
//add point to selected weapon attribute
if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes.Length)
if (LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Attribute == AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArmorAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArmorAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available! This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");
m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));
case 5: // Armor Resists Selected
cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_XP);
if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
//add point to selected weapon attribute
if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes.Length)
if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Physical)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PhysicalBonus;
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).PhysicalBonus += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Fire)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).FireBonus;
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).FireBonus += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Cold)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ColdBonus;
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).ColdBonus += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Poison)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PoisonBonus;
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).PoisonBonus += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Energy)
attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).EnergyBonus;
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseArmor)m_Item).EnergyBonus += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available! This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");
m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));
case 6: // Jewelry & Clothing Resists Selected
cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_XP);
if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
//add point to selected weapon attribute
if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes.Length)
if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseJewel)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute];
if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
((BaseClothing)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
levitem.Points -= cost;
m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available! This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");
m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));