
Hi all my server died after world create it was a fresh install, any ideas?
I see this in badspawm.log over and over again, this is my second server it was a freshone I do have anotherone running strong.

# Bad spawns : 11/25/2017 8:10:26 PM
# Format: X Y Z F Name

5421 546 60 Trammel Sagittari
5490 609 45 Trammel Sagittari
5471 972 15 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5520 817 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5403 586 45 Trammel Sagittari
5436 855 45 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5493 923 20 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5455 787 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5576 872 45 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5605 824 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5395 623 30 Trammel Sagittari
5400 787 65 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5395 973 6 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5444 612 45 Trammel Sagittari
5459 547 60 Trammel Sagittari
5396 821 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5428 909 30 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5603 789 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5459 823 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5548 899 30 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5558 791 63 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5501 531 60 Trammel Sagittari
5486 566 60 Trammel Sagittari

and this is my crashlog:

Server Crash Report

ServUO Version 0.5, Build 6538.26171
Operating System: Unix
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 11/25/2017 8:10:17 PM
Mobiles: 14862
Items: 142596
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException (System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x0000b] in <62f5937022004555807e6c57c33f6684>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00053] in <62f5937022004555807e6c57c33f6684>:0
at Server.Multis.BaseCamp.OnTick () [0x00000] in <43be6d29459a40ffb536237d83a80bc9>:0
at Server.Timer+DelayCallTimer.OnTick () [0x0000b] in <5a690f594c7e43b38c6590e14eabb510>:0
at Server.Timer.Slice () [0x00047] in <5a690f594c7e43b38c6590e14eabb510>:0
at Server.Core.Main (System.String[] args) [0x005be] in <5a690f594c7e43b38c6590e14eabb510>:0

- Count: 1
+ : (account = ) (mobile =0'')
Ok this is weird it happens after I createworld, I rebuld server like several times, not sure what is going on.
Question, when you did createworld the 2nd time, on the gump did it show all created but mayb 2 or 3?
Well the second time was like after deleting everything and redoing, so it is like the first time, but I will check becuase I have tried too many times at this point :) I dont know what is up :)
yes check the gump to see if everything was spawned but maybe 2-3=this was a problem with createworld but it was fixed.
Well the info is I follow the preparing fresh UBUNTU for servUO that used to work perfectly fine, all looks good, server builds, when I use the Createworld command, it all looks good everything happy, if for some reason I restart the server it crashes and generates a badspawn.log file with the information on the first message, then I can never get it to start again :(
did you try to use createworld but only parts of it to see if it persists? Not sure why the Sagittari would cause issues
That is a good suggestion let me try.
[doublepost=1512231341][/doublepost]Im not even sure what Sagittari is all I can tell you is that I deeply hate it.
I am able to reproduce the error with a newly compiled server on Debian 9, so am confirming the problem

First, install a Debian 9 (Stretch) Minimal Server using this guide:

Switch to super user

Install the basics
apt-get ssh-server install -y git autoconf libtool automake build-essential gettext cmake xclip unzip unixodbc screen htop libpng-dev zlib1g-dev mlocate htop dirmngr

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
echo "deb http://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian stretch main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official.list
apt-get update
apt-get install mono-complete

Create a link for mono64 so compiler doesn't complain.
ln -s /usr/bin/mono /usr/bin/mono64

Edited ScriptCompiler.rs
CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile( parms, "" );

Replace with
CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile( parms, files );

Copy these files from the Ultima Online directory on your PC to your server data directory specified in /Config/DataPath.cfg
Map*.mul or Map*LegacyMUL.uop

leave su

now compile

Now, add doors, teleporters, etc.
then click "ok"

[xmlload Spawns
Crash occurs

Server Crash Report

ServUO Version 0.5, Build 6551.42619
Operating System: Unix
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 12/9/2017 6:32:47 AM
Mobiles: 12580
Items: 144292
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException (System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x0000b] in <62f5937022004555807e6c57c33f6684>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00053] in <62f5937022004555807e6c57c33f6684>:0
at Server.Multis.BaseCamp.OnTick () [0x00000] in <1866337eaefb494b9f38f70c0837cd40>:0
at Server.Timer+DelayCallTimer.OnTick () [0x0000b] in <05cc84da153f4642841611d05c4a7564>:0
at Server.Timer.Slice () [0x00047] in <05cc84da153f4642841611d05c4a7564>:0
at Server.Core.Main (System.String[] args) [0x005be] in <05cc84da153f4642841611d05c4a7564>:0

- Count: 0

Bad Spawn Log
# Bad spawns : 12/9/2017 6:16:13 AM
# Format: X Y Z F Name

5421 546 60 Trammel Sagittari
5490 609 45 Trammel Sagittari
5471 972 15 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5520 817 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5403 586 45 Trammel Sagittari
5436 855 45 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5493 923 20 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5455 787 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5576 872 45 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5605 824 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5395 623 30 Trammel Sagittari
5400 787 65 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5395 973 6 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5444 612 45 Trammel Sagittari
5459 547 60 Trammel Sagittari
5396 821 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5428 909 30 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5603 789 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5459 823 60 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5548 899 30 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5558 791 63 Trammel Sagittari,{RND,4,8}
5501 531 60 Trammel Sagittari
5486 566 60 Trammel Sagittari
Last edited:
my server did the same thing i had to right click it and run it as admin and then it should not crash on world build that is what i did and it quit crashing

Active Shards


Total amount