
Hello !

I've found on RunUO forums a release with full imbuing for RunUO 2.3 and I have tried to merge it with ServUO Publish 50.

Here are the results ! It seems to be working fine :)

Hope this helps ^^


  • Imbuing for
    188.4 KB · Views: 46
Hello @Regnak
Thank you for taking the time to do this for us. I was attempting the merge myself until I found this and it looks good I have just one problem after merging. Which is a bit perplexing to me.

Error 8 'Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for 'AI_Ninja' BaseCreature.cs 3134

I commented this out as Apparently my copy of the repo does not contain any Ninja AI, is this something that you have customized yourself?

Oh oops ! The error you get is because I implemented Nerun's Distro before the changes for Imbuing. So yes, if you don't use Nerun's Distro (for ServUO ... there is a link in another post), you can ignore that error :)

I know imbuing requires still some modding, after the work above. For example, some SA mobs' loot needs to be adjusted to drop the good resources.

If you get the chance to test it out, I'd be curious to see the changes/tweaking you do to this Imbuing system ^^

Thanks !

I will definitely be testing this out. And would love to work with you and others to figure out what kind of further modding is needed so we can get a comprehensive guide up and going.

Is nerun's required with ServUO, or are there other options to spawn the world?
Neruns is an option only...

You can spawn from the spawn files (I think you have found it meanwhile ;-) ) provided by ServUO ... But I haven't tested it yet. Does it spawn the whole world ?
Neruns is an option only...

You can spawn from the spawn files (I think you have found it meanwhile ;-) ) provided by ServUO ... But I haven't tested it yet. Does it spawn the whole world ?

Yes indeed, once I was in it all started coming back to me. Not sure if I did something wrong but I ran [xmlload Spawns and it did some spawning, I found if I spawned by sub folder instead of parent folder it appears to have spawned the entire world. However this was just with about 15 minutes of testing.

I was wondering @Regnak if you wanted to upload this imbuing script to the releases section, then we can do some proper research on where to spawn the ingredients ( creature loot drop etc.) that are currently missing? I found this table on Stratics which would be a good place to start, I would just like an official place to document this all in case some one else wants to implement this system?

I found this table
which appears to have the information on location at least.
I was wondering @Regnak if you wanted to upload this imbuing script to the releases section, then we can do some proper research on where to spawn the ingredients ( creature loot drop etc.) that are currently missing? I found this table on Stratics which would be a good place to start, I would just like an official place to document this all in case some one else wants to implement this system?

I would love to, but it seems I don't have the authorization to post a release ... :(
Ok, been playing with this for a bit, looks like the Bonus for the TMsoulforge is not working properly and it is not giving the bonus for being Gargoyle. I will work on this and get an update.

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