
In shortcut: I am trying to run ServUO under linux, but i want functionality of ML only. These are my "first steps" in starting servuo server.
I have heard that it's possible, i have found even some instructions here, but it doesn't work somehow. What i havedone:
- i have client version (lats of Mondain's Legacy, elves, spellweaving, no gargoyles) - i think it is this version, i just downloaded tons of clients "UOML",
- i use Razor for the client, default settings, just pointed the client,
- server (newest ServUO) is running and connected via DataPath.cfg to the same client files (copy of the same files)
- on server side i have changed files:
1. Config/Expansion.cfg: i have there
2. Scripts/Misc/MapDefinitions.cs
RegisterMap(1, 1, 0, 7168, 4096, 0, "Trammel", MapRules.TrammelRules);
TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true;
MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false;
3. Scripts/Misc/CurrentExpansion.cs: i have even changed
public static readonly Expansion Expansion = Expansion.ML;

How it works? Shitty. Characters sometimes stuck on elements which are "not there". Sometimes i have a lot of "Pathfinding", sometimes clilent freezes. I don't know what else i can do. Any ideas?
What i want to get? I want client without possibility to choose gargoyles, server without gargoyles drops, without trammel maps, with OLD HAVEN if its possible.

I will be very grateful for any suggestions, comments, assistance.
I don't know much about older clients, I'm sure others will help. Just wondering if you also changed your DataPath.cfg In Config?
The line would be this one CustomPath=C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Change this to your game location
I don't know much about older clients, I'm sure others will help. Just wondering if you also changed your DataPath.cfg In Config?
The line would be this one CustomPath=C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Change this to your game location
Yes, it was one of first steps :p
How does your load screen look?

Do you have any line saying that the server is restricting a client version? Like this? If it says 7.x.x.x then your server targeting wrong client.

Please try to change map rules inside MapDefinitions.cs to:

RegisterMap(1, 1, 1, 7168, 4096, 0, "Trammel", MapRules.TrammelRules);

Please try to change map rules inside MapDefinitions.cs to:

RegisterMap(1, 1, 1, 7168, 4096, 0, "Trammel", MapRules.TrammelRules);

I will try. But this one includes Trammel, right? 1,1,0 excludes? In the end i would like to have just Fel.
If you wish to only have Felucca just register this line.

RegisterMap( 0, 0, 0, 7168, 4096, 0, "Felucca",MapRules.FeluccaRules );

<index>, <mapID>, <fileIndex>, <width>, <height>, <season>, <name>, <rules>

Felucca <mapID>, <fileIndex> = 0, 0
Trammel <mapID>, <fileIndex> = 1, 1

I will try. But this one includes Trammel, right? 1,1,0 excludes? In the end i would like to have just Fel.
Grim, map works better now. But: what should i do to exclude just Trammel? (removing trem line makes compiling impossible) And somehow how can i get Old Haven starting location?
Hey Farg. To get Old Haven as a starting location, you need to edit /misc/CharacterCreation.cs and at line 13 or so, there's this private variable defined:

private static readonly CityInfo m_NewHavenInfo = new CityInfo("New Haven", "The Bountiful Harvest Inn", 3503, 2574, 14, Map.Trammel);

That info is used to spawn new players for the ML client. You could edit that information to something like this:

private static readonly CityInfo m_NewHavenInfo = new CityInfo("Old Haven", "Name of Your Location Here", 3503, 2574, 14, Map.Felucca);

But this edit has the wrong coordinates. I'm pretty sure the xyz coordinates of Haven from the ML client are not (3503, 2574, 14). You could go in game to the location where you want new characters to log in and look at your character's [props to get the right coordinates. Also, be sure to change Map.Trammel to Map.Felucca. There's no need to turn off Trammel completely if players are put in Felucca automatically after character creation.
You will need to make some changes by hand, ML have trammel. The two things that pops upp in my head is.

- Change Publicmoongate.cs and moonstones.cs to stop players to crossover to Trammel.
- Changes all start locations to Felucca in CharacterCreation.cs so they don't starts in Trammel.

Edit, just remember one more.

- Stuck menu. Young players goes to Trammel heaven and if you somehow ends up on the internal map you wish to be sent to Felucca not Trammel.

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Ok, guys. Thank you for help. No, it doesn't work but i appreciate your involvement. i started from the beginning with client, newest servuo, did everything from instructions and connected to server using razor. but effect is: freeze of client after first log in (doesnt matter what location). I can make 2 steps, then pathfinding!, cant open inventory, nothing, cant see stat bars.
Any ideas?
I feel like it's a logged out map and or location set wrong. That happens on my server when we move players and forget to put them back when we log out. Not 100% sure if that's the issue or not but try in the create setting those two values to the same cords and map. I beleive that's what fixed the issue. Insure because you are not logging in where the server expects, or client not sure, your connection crashes and no updates happen as a result you keep trying to do things with the client and there's no response from the server it thinks you are connected to.
I start to think that is Razors&client issue. When i use with the same Razor just Classic (full patch) client, it wokrs good - i can move (even with ML client connected to the servers DataPath).
You can try this client. I do run it and know it works 100% and it incl Razor in the installation.



Edit: ServUO is broken, I just downloaded the last version and it do not work with anymore.
(There is some kind of packet error, the health bar can not be loaded as seen in the image from Fargarel)

[doublepost=1489983433][/doublepost]Ok. I did some digging.

It have been some packet updates without incoming client checks. Old clients have no ide what to do with classes like ContainerContentUpdate then item.GridLocation was added and the modifications made to DisplayContextMenuOld and UnicodePrompt as a start. All packet changes need to be in new classes connected with correct client version and up or all older clients get broken.

This is the two random commits used in my test.

Commits on Feb 10, 2017 [b5734daa3a25c140cf04ee1d9fa76a3904ccc00a] - BROKEN

Commits on Feb 1, 2017 [0fcd1a196b1311b234b61d2f2f53d578793587d2] - WORKING

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Thank you Grim and Farg! I am having this EXACT same issue with that client, it works with Sphere but not ServUO.

Thank you thank you thank you!
Hi all - I am having the exact same issue but I'm unclear on the resolution. It appears there is a newer version of ServUO with some super cool stuff (in particular, Siege functionality) which I really want. So I don't want to use the old version in Grim's link from February.

Can anyone detail the Client Version I should be using with the newest version of ServUO? Like Fangariel, I am looking for a T2A-era shard with Felucca only. In fact I am trying to "clone" 1999 Siege Perilous. Thanks for your help!
[doublepost=1512351263][/doublepost]Sorry for double-post - I am also trying to download Grim's T2A client via torrent but doesn't appear anyone else has it (nothing downloaded yet).
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