
I am working on some quests (about all I do lately...) and got distracted by loot properties. I am learning how to work with quest objectives and using the old Gizmo quest creator. A lot of it is outdated, but it gets a good start. But, I am not sure what this section means in the Reward section.

        public override void GiveRewards()
            Item item;
            //Add Reward Item #1
            item = new FeatheredHat();
            if( item is BaseWeapon )
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseWeapon)item,  Utility.RandomMinMax( 1,4 ), 10, 50 );
            if( item is BaseArmor )
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item,  Utility.RandomMinMax( 1,4 ), 10, 50 );
            if( item is BaseJewel )
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseJewel)item,  Utility.RandomMinMax( 1,4 ), 10, 50 );
            if( item is BaseHat )
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseHat)item,  Utility.RandomMinMax( 1,4 ), 10, 50 );
            if(!Owner.AddToBackpack( item ) )

I am using a hat to test it. Anyone know what the ( 1,4 ), 10, 50 ); means? I assume it is setting loot quality, but I have messed with the numbers quite a bit with very little change.

This hat is set ( 1,4 ), 80, 100 ); Just trying to figure what they mean. :cool:

Utility.RandomMinMax( 1,4 )
minimum and maximum number of attributes that will be on the item

int min, int max
min/max intensity of the attributes
Thanks, that is what I though, but was not sure. The 1,4 looked like it was the number of attributes, but the 2nd set either does not do much, or I do not know what scale to use. I took it in small increments from 10, 50 up to 80, 100 and it made very little difference. Not sure how high I can take the numbers... I will keep playing them
It looks like that item has 3 properties and they are all fairly high intensity
Think imbuing when looking at the intensity
for the reflect physical
100% would give the max of 15
the 13 that was given to it is 86%

Active Shards


Total amount