
I am using Ubunto 12.10 x64 Desktop and MONO 3.0.6. First, let me state that I am a complete newb when it comes to Linux. That being said, I get some warnings when I compile, but just about obsolete uses and unused private fields. I am able to get ServUO.exe to start by using "mono ServUO.exe" but here are the errors I'm getting:


Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? Again I know next to nothing about Linux, so that could be my problem.

More details:
I have root access and I compiled with
mcs -sdk:4.5 -out:ServUO.exe -d:MONO -d:Framework_4_0 -d:ServUO -optimize+ -unsafe -r:System,System.Configuration.Install,System.Data,System.Drawing,System.EnterpriseServices,System.Management,System.Security,System.ServiceProcess,System.Web,System.Web.Services,System.Windows.Forms,System.Xml,OpenUO.Core.dll,OpenUO.Ultima.dll,OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll,SevenZipSharp.dll -nowarn:219 -recurse:Server/*.cs

Thanks for any help you can provide!!!
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Do you have Mono.CSharp.dll in there?
I think I may have had to install the mono-gmcs package on ubuntu.
I did apt-get install mono-complete. Shouldn't that have installed everything mono needs? If not, what do you suggest?
You can resolve the "OpenUO Error: Client files not found" error by going into the OpenUOSDK.cs file within the core and setting the path the same as you would your Datapath.cs in the Scripts folder. As for the Linux error, I can't help - but thought I'd throw that in for you.
You can resolve the "OpenUO Error: Client files not found" error by going into the OpenUOSDK.cs file within the core and setting the path the same as you would your Datapath.cs in the Scripts folder. As for the Linux error, I can't help - but thought I'd throw that in for you.

So, this might be an issue, I don't know. I ran on Windows just fine with that same error. Could Linux REQUIRE that it can find the client files, but Windows be ok without them?
Ok this is exactly what I have done so far:
  1. Selected Ubuntu 12.10 x64 Desktop to be installed to the VPS
  2. Installed mono-complete (3.0.6)
  3. Installed mono-gmcs
  4. Installed ServUO to /ServUO-master/
  5. Compiled with the above command
  6. Attempted to run ServUO with "sudo mono ServUO.exe"
Am I missing anything, no matter how small, that I should have done? Even if you think "oh she probably knew to do...but just didn't list it". Thanks, again, for all the help guys! I really do appreciate it.
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Ok, I know I am posting a lot here, but I started thinking what if this has to do with those 9 warnings I am getting during compile. Just because it lets it compile and doesn't stop me entirely doesn't mean that it should (lol). And from what I can read of the fatal errors during run, its a file i/o thing (I think?). So here is a screen shot of the warnings I get during compile, again using the compile line posted above:


Again, ANY thoughts or ideas no matter how crazy or trivial you might think them, is greatly desired and appreciated. Thanks, so much!!!
Warnings like that won't stop it from compiling. In fact, that screen shows that it did compile. I'll be able to help more when I get off work.
Warnings like that won't stop it from compiling. In fact, that screen shows that it did compile. I'll be able to help more when I get off work.
That's what I was assuming, but I didn't want to take that for granted. Thank you for confirming that for me and for whatever time you have to look at this!
I advice you to run with sudo before. "sudo mono ServUO.exe"
It should ask for your password again, and give you permission to your /ServUO/ folder ;)

Also, try the PATH thing I told ya about ;)

Hopefully you can make it work fast !
Ok, I'm feeling very newbish right now. Even more so than usual. I've looked for an hour now and I cannot find the MONO installation. I know I have it installed because i am able to run it. I entered "mono -V" and it returned version 3.0.6 (not 3.0.10 as I thought). I used "locate mono | more" and found it in /usr/bin/mono. So I added that to the $PATH enironment var, but I get the same fatal error.

Also, I tried using sudo too. Same results. But I am logged in as root (I know I shouldn't be), so I shouldn't need sudo, right?
Don't feel newbish ;)
It seems a quite hard to fix issue ... :(

See : you are not alone to have that problem : http://www.runuolinux.com/runuo-on-ubuntu-12-4/

I also saw a some comments on a forum about installing the mono-gmcs package, as @cmileto told you to do. But it seems it didn't work for you... :(

I'll do some more tests on my Ubuntu machine, as I've got it back to work now ;)
Then, I'll tell you what results I get.
I read a few forums and tried to compile with mcs, gmcs and even dmcs. Not a clue what the differences are, but all same results. I am wondering if the install that the host used was just too stripped down and needs some additional libraries installed. I am using Digital Ocean as my VPS host.

Your post actually hits on a side question I've had for a while, which is what is the relationship between ServUO and RunUO? Is it just that they both use OpenUO framework, or is it something more? I have used RunUO in the past, but think ServUO is superior in its core. I wish ServUO had the same level of scripts available, though. Like I said, just wondering, not pertinent to the actual issue. (I found a post that explained that ServUO is currently a fork of RunUO.)
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So, I've gotten quite an education on Linux since beginning this project. From the article you posted, Regnak, I learned that I can skip sudo, since I have root access. I tried following the 1 step already missing from what I've been doing: installing subversion (whatever that is), but same results. So, again, I'm open to ANY suggestions and crazy ideas. This server is solely for this purpose so no worries messing it up, I can always re-install without losing anything. Thanks!!!
After almost a week of the smartest and most helpful ServUO people beating their heads against this brick wall, I have officially given-up on this. So we can consider this thread closed. Thank you, again, to all the smart, smart people who tried to help me with this. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you've taken on my behalf. I can't say "thank you" enough.
So I tested this out on a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop x64. I am getting the same exact errors and problems as KaitlinUO has. Figured I would give it a shot with the same exact build to see where I got. So right now I am stuck where Kaitlin was able to make it to.
1) Don't use 64bit mono, if you can, install 32bit mono, forcing the install with the app-installer provided by your distribution, 64bit mono consumes double the ram in runuo, and 3 times the cpu cicles, this is tested on a production server, so don't loose time to try to fix it.

2) Set the client files path manually, this way you can control the directory that contains files.

3) You should check that every path is set with Path.Combine in script and server files or that at least they are using "/" and not "\".

4) Check that the save strategy is set to Single, and not threaded, in any way, this is for you sake, since the save made in MT will be all full of junk.

5) If you can, download the git-repository mono and compile by hand, it will be far off better than the 2.x available release on distros, but still far from perfectly functioning, beside everything that anyone could say.

PS: When I can I'll put a patch for the server that will enable linux users to use the SHM virtual memory for saves, I've made some tests with a world full of items (over 1 million item, 2 hundred NPC / Chars, save took 9 seconds on a atom machine), this is something good to do, since you can't speed with MT save, you can speedup the save by moving it to another location and then saving it to HD with another thread.
Wine is just a mess, mono is slow as hell, in the end it's way better to use the machine as a toast grill than to put c# inside...or just buy a win license as I did. Definitely better.

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