
Okay I am going to name some basic coding tips that seems all of the people adding servuo need to know.

Naming Violation there is so many of these in servuo. There should never be a method used with lower case letters.

Readonly If you dont know how to use static properties read up on it. because this just Horribleness.

Thank you all have a great day.
There was a point where readonly was added to everything. Annoying. It would require many edits to remove them where not needed. Where have you seen naming violations?
I found some names on mehtod like this as example _Drink

there is others i been clearing as i go though to fix all the warnings and stuff. but readonly is used for all the private methods public methods or anything that has a set should never be readonly removing them and not understanding why such methods are used is not good for any coder.

again read only should be used for private methods and methods that are just a get if its a get and set then readonly is not used. I cleared hundreds of this when cleaning the code up. I aint saying you are doing it dex but last 4 years looks like people just [piling shit into servuo just to get it up to date with UO.

I have no problem heling servuo clean up the files and pushing fixes and things to the repo. if you okay with me to push a fix and you look it over and see what you think but if not i wont waste my time and wont waste your time.
I don't know how long you been following this community project. But a lot of the coding issues were not created here. It has been inherited from the old RunUO project.

Some of the issues have been fixed, one example I can point at is using DateTime.UtcNow instead of DateTime.Now. this speeds things up by approx 30%. If you do a code validation on RunUO you would get a huge list of issues and this is the codebase that ServerUO is built on. Things like this take time to correct but are slowly being done. In my opinion, it has been a great work so far by the developers.

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I been here since runuo went under I been at the scene for over 20 plus years.

3 to 4 years ago servuo ran faster and loaded 3 times better then it does now
Performance and structure of thise emulator has went into the toilet.

It needs lot more fixing now then every did was a simple too change over but I can compare runuo last core code to this one and I won't lie it has not been touched to much. Voxpire did the most up date to the core since runuo.

No reason jumping the gun putting defense up I was just stating that alot of code needs fixed and lot of cleaning.

Please don't put things out there t hff at is false statements. I never said no one wasn't trying to clean it up. I followed DeX last commits and he has been hard at work fixing the mess.
Naming Violation there is so many of these in servuo. There should never be a method used with lower case letters.

The only comment I'd like to make is concerning Naming Violations..
There is no reason why lower case letters shouldn't be used, its entirely a matter of preference..
Company A uses one coding style, where Company B uses another, ect, ad infinitum.

ServUO uses many styles from many people who have contributed.. I'm not suggesting not to use the MS standard..,
only that it has nothing to do with the execution of the code, and is not the end all style for the world in general.

There are also several preferences with dealing with it..

One quick way to get to these options is to Click the "Quick Actions" light bulb, hover over "Fix Name Violation" and click the "Change Style Options" button.
3 to 4 years ago servuo ran faster and loaded 3 times better then it does now
Performance and structure of thise emulator has went into the toilet.

Please be more descript. We cannot take feedback unless the feedback is constructive. If it is not constructive it is not welcome because it ends up in arguments. Thread will be closed if this is not fixed.

The only comment I'd like to make is concerning Naming Violations..
There is no reason why lower case letters shouldn't be used, its entirely a matter of preference..
Company A uses one coding style, where Company B uses another, ect, ad infinitum.

Readonly If you dont know how to use static properties read up on it. because this just Horribleness.

Again, please be more constructive in your feedback, you are not giving us any useful information here at all. Readonly is fine to be used in a public field and again is totally up to the style guide of the project you are currently working on.
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Some things are static because they can be edited from elsewhere during runtime.
If you see something not following the initial standard, perhaps you could make edits and push them to the repo
Agreed. Another thing, I think Shafev is getting fields and properties mixed up with functions. It is standard practice in the ServUO environment (adopted from RunUO) to use m_ and _ characters as private fields. I have never seen these characters used as method names, and would be fixed as that would bug me lol. But I agree, it is a matter of preference. As far as readonly, I feel a lot of its implementation is not needed, however I don't think it slows anything down or causes any extra overhead. I could be wrong though.

3 to 4 years ago servuo ran faster and loaded 3 times better then it does now
Performance and structure of thise emulator has went into the toilet.

We have 100 times more content now than we did in the RunUO days, so by that order, the program is going to use more memory and cpu on startup. There is no way around that.
well i do programing for a liven on robots im pretty sure on lot maybe c# is different maybe i explained that all wrong. I understand we have more content then runuo days. But also i dont know if you noticed but you cant start a blank world any more with servuo there is almost 120 mobiles and 1000 items spawn on start up. not sure if this was a goal, or no one has got around to adding a command to generate them as it be admins choice.

I know alot of the newer content is programmed 3 times better then the old content i can tell when reading over it but that is if you are programing it dex. when comes to some of the other users pushing stuff into repo you can tell the styles are way different in how its programmed.
Many things auto spawn due to the hassle/headache/near impossibility of adding it otherwise to an existing shard. We aim to emulate EA, so little priority is put into spawning a blank world.
Tweak the Config settings, then clear the world upon arrival if it doesn't fit your needs.
Some quests may spawnthings automatically, if you see one that could be improved or placed as a setting, then do not hesitate to contribute and fix it.
i can push some settings through to stop them from starting up to help out where a ingame command has to be ran to spawn them. I was just thinking how much of a headach it is for new people might want to customized world map or world all together.

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