Yvan Major

Hi everyone,

I have added "newChar.Skills.Cap = 12000;" and changed the stats cap value but everytime we create a new character it come back to 7200 and 225...

Where else i need to change it so it will create a new character with the stats/skills cap i want it set to please ?

Thanks in advance for your answer!
Go to folder Config in your main directory. Right click on PlayerCaps.cfg and open it with whatever notpad like program you use to work on your code and set the values there.
Go to folder Config in your main directory. Right click on PlayerCaps.cfg and open it with whatever notpad like program you use to work on your code and set the values there.

I am on the latest version of ServUO and it doesn't have PlayerCaps.cfg
Yeah you do not have the latest version if you do not have a Config folder in your main directory.

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